How much for a pound near you?

id let this go for 200. this was nearly free to grow
I already have that, cuz' it rained the last 2 weeks before Fall harvest.
Those are mids, I want top shelf...trimmed my indoor...10lbs please.
Then I'll sell it for 100/zip, and put the few remaining dealers out of business.
Never did care for them anyways, always thinking they can piggyback my grows for double the buy price; and then wanting even more discounts...pigs get fat hogs get slaughtered.
You smell that? Smells like BULLSHIT. There is a LOT of it being spread around this thread. Buncha guys never even seen and actual pound of quality marijuana discussing its prices. Without discussing or factoring in the million variables that play into the actual price of a pound of GOOD marijuana. lol

Bottom line. Supply and demand determine price. I grow and sell marijuana for a living. In Detroit. Where the weak are killed and eaten. My price for a pound....changes.

Like I said earlier. A million variables. If I don't know you and you have never spent with me before. You pay more. The more you purchase the more often ...obviously...the price goes down. Cash up front prices and fronts are different. Again obvious.

Then there's the fact that every strain, every phenotype yields differently. And takes a different amount of time and nutrients to finish. All these variables play into the actual final price.

Now...all I grow is the good stuff. Quality is a given and around these parts, to make a living, its a must. So mine is always the top shelf. No room for mids. I leave that to the greedy fucks who don't think about tomorrow.

And finally...prices change around here according to your lot in life. If you are sick and a legitimate medical patient and or caregiver, you get a way better price than the guy who drives from Cleveland, buys pounds and doubles his money...That's just how I roll. A million variables makes a price of a pound of high quality marijuana in the metro Detroit area between $0.00-$2,500.00. lol Depends on who ya know.
Just curious. Besides the posts from the dude who thinks lb’s go for 20~200, can you point to all these other bullshit posts from people who haven’t even seen a pound of actual quality in this thread?
You might know your little world there in chicago but allot of these posts are from dudes here in Ca who move packs here in Ca and are talking real time prices. HERE. And our market is fucked right now and we grow the best shit period just sayin :-)
We always have :-)
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Just curious. Besides the posts from the dude who thinks lb’s go for 20~200, can you point to all these other bullshit posts from people who haven’t even seen a pound of actual quality in this thread?
You might know your little world there in chicago but allot of these posts are from dudes here in Ca who move packs here in Ca and are talking real time prices. HERE. And our market is fucked right now and we grow the best shit period just sayin :-)
We always have :-)
Often imitated but never duplicated. Pounds for ins on average in CALI from what I’ve seen are going for 1500-1800 on average. Outs are going for 700 and below. Greenhouse and deps are going for 700-1000 easily. Deps are king right now. Sorry for the people with ins, people aren’t paying those prices locally like they use to.
Often imitated but never duplicated. Pounds for ins on average in CALI from what I’ve seen are going for 1500-1800 on average. Outs are going for 700 and below. Greenhouse and deps are going for 700-1000 easily. Deps are king right now. Sorry for the people with ins, people aren’t paying those prices locally like they use to.
Unfortunately i don’t know anyone getting 700 for outs and it seems like 1500 max for fire ins with color. Of course there’s exeptions. Some people have a better market than others even within our state but i’m up in norcal and get rid of allot down in socal too. It’s just flat out fucked right now either way.
Often imitated but never duplicated. Pounds for ins on average in CALI from what I’ve seen are going for 1500-1800 on average. Outs are going for 700 and below. Greenhouse and deps are going for 700-1000 easily. Deps are king right now. Sorry for the people with ins, people aren’t paying those prices locally like they use to.
It's been worse. This is pretty exciting actually.
$28 ounces down the street. Lemon Kush, Grease Monkey, a few others. What's that? $448 a pound. They might be mids but some of the stuff I've seen is not. Huge glut of cannabis in Oregon. Some of the dates on the packages I've seen are over a year old so people that are sitting on a bunch of packaged weed are just dumping it for what they can get.

I'm tempted to go on a shopping spree of a bunch of different $1 and $2 a gram strains just for the hell of it. A $20 bill will get me 10-20 grams of all different stuff.
Anybody growing outs that even wants to make money has to go fresh frozen live resin … outs are worthless these days… deps are so cheap and everyone is desperate to unload them… my market in Orange County (SoCal) is tanked … with those legal glass box dep grows harvesting as often as indoors grows … why would anything change this spring/summer to help prices out? This is the new norm until more big players tap out … until then it’s head above water status