How much for a pound near you?

i make 300 a oz 1200 for QP 2200 HP 4000 P (tight stem cut no seeds no water weight all strains over 15% thc most now are medical)
i only run 4 plants at a time i avg 6 oz per plant good plant 10 oz best plant 26 oz ...most months i sell everything some times i have 2 oz left over standing orders for 22 oz each month

maryland the biggest city u would know is baltimore i am on the i70/i95 traffic routes

i match my prices to what others do in the area so i am not stepping on bigger toes.....when i was in denver it was running 276 for a oz for rec ppl...... shatter and waxes were running 60 to 70 a gram ...30 mg suckers were 7 bucks the 100mg sucker was 30 bucks ...vape tanks like the o-pen were running 25 for 0.4 mls and 65 for the 1 mls
i need to move...somewhere cannabis hasnt been whored out...its sacred to me and just product to most...makes me a lil sick. need to be somewhere the wife and i can lay some roots...was thinkin Michigan. still soo rainy and a flooded market....prices are 6k in New city..and the same herb in cali or several other spots its 2500. gotta b smart and get in where we fit any grt ideas open. ty be blessed
i need to move...somewhere cannabis hasnt been whored out...its sacred to me and just product to most...makes me a lil sick. need to be somewhere the wife and i can lay some roots...was thinkin Michigan. still soo rainy and a flooded market....prices are 6k in New city..and the same herb in cali or several other spots its 2500. gotta b smart and get in where we fit any grt ideas open. ty be blessed

michigan is killer man. you just gotta find a market here that isn't provided for yet. they exist. great state to be in. it's not really that rainy over here. ok sometimes it can be with the mid latitude cyclones lol but it's not that bad.
Michigan isnt the goldmine it once was thats for damn sure. Pretty soon everyone nationwide that is a decent basement or small warehouse sized grower will be finished. Its inevitable. Us veterens are fukt. Back in the day it took balls as big as church bells and we got paid well for it. Now its just.....well it was a false economy lets just put it that way. Never ever should of been making huge bucks for what we were really doing which is really just farming at the end of the day. But man it shure was a fun ride....for many years. I know for a fact a few of my buddies in lake county ca could write a book about their expoits in the mid nineties. I could write my own about Michigan. Damn.
I remember when 3000 watts was considered HUGE. You were a real big timer. And you were because that was all you needed. Those big parabolic hoods. If you had 3 of those you were getting paid. And inline fans meant you had a bunch of squirrel cages hooked in a row. Lol
Thats a good price. New ywak has always had decent prices for indoor good shit. Has ny went medical yet? Not sure cuz so many states have i cant keep up.
Michigan isnt the goldmine it once was thats for damn sure. Pretty soon everyone nationwide that is a decent basement or small warehouse sized grower will be finished. Its inevitable. Us veterens are fukt. Back in the day it took balls as big as church bells and we got paid well for it. Now its just.....well it was a false economy lets just put it that way. Never ever should of been making huge bucks for what we were really doing which is really just farming at the end of the day. But man it shure was a fun ride....for many years. I know for a fact a few of my buddies in lake county ca could write a book about their expoits in the mid nineties. I could write my own about Michigan. Damn.

Many people are still on the ride in the U.P. :)

- Jiji
Thats a good price. New ywak has always had decent prices for indoor good shit. Has ny went medical yet? Not sure cuz so many states have i cant keep up.

We have medical but its really hard to get. I can get $10 a gram all day but I sell it for $3,000 a lb to my cousin or his buddy and they get around $280-$300 an oz. I cure all the bud for about 3 wks in glass mason jars so I lose some weight but its worth it. They love the final product and I keep all the ice water hash for myself and close friends.
Here in Flint everyone and thier brother is growing something. And there giving it away damn near. Everyone is so broke. Cops dont really give a care. They got WAY more important things to do. 150 to 200$ zips all day. Units as low as 2000$ and thats for really well grown gorilla glue and other popular strains. There is just so many people growing and everyone keeps lowering prices to sell it. Its ridiculous. This town is FLOODED wth outdoor. The only real market for top shelf indoor is in the dead of summer or winter because alot of these kids cant afford or dont want to pay for the equipment and electric bill. This town is open with pot but economically sucks a big one. There is alo of flakes here too that arent serious growers and try to put out crap. They dont last. They dont realize the cost and amount of work it takes to produce alot of high quality.
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