How much for a pound near you?

And you're not alone in trying to get rid of product. That's why the price keeps going down. There's much more supply than demand. At $300 a lb you're probably just breaking even after all the costs are added up.
Where I live, utilities and growing inputs push the amount needed to break even pretty high. The margins are getting tighter and tighter.
Did I mention that I hate this business?....... OK good. Fucking thieves, snakes, and vagabonds everywhere.
I think you got out at the right time for sure. It sucks you're having such a hard time getting rid of the last of your harvest. In DC that would go for 1200-1500 all day according to my buddy. I have no idea on the VA wholesale market, I haven't bought weed in many years. I'm guessing it's higher than DC where it's been legal for a lot longer. Hope you find someone that knows quality and gives you a decent price soon.
I think you got out at the right time for sure. It sucks you're having such a hard time getting rid of the last of your harvest. In DC that would go for 1200-1500 all day according to my buddy. I have no idea on the VA wholesale market, I haven't bought weed in many years. I'm guessing it's higher than DC where it's been legal for a lot longer. Hope you find someone that knows quality and gives you a decent price soon.
I got 3 buyers on the hook today. Doing what I gotta do to get rid of it before Nov 1st. At the price I quoted.. Im basically paying them to move it.
I think you got out at the right time for sure. It sucks you're having such a hard time getting rid of the last of your harvest. In DC that would go for 1200-1500 all day according to my buddy. I have no idea on the VA wholesale market, I haven't bought weed in many years. I'm guessing it's higher than DC where it's been legal for a lot longer. Hope you find someone that knows quality and gives you a decent price soon.
I'm in VA too, personal grower only. I was approached by someone looking to sell on the black market. When asked how much I'd sell for, I was thinking along the lines of like $500-600 a lb, but apparently that was higher than what they were looking for. We both shrugged and went our separate ways.
I'm in VA too, personal grower only. I was approached by someone looking to sell on the black market. When asked how much I'd sell for, I was thinking along the lines of like $500-600 an lb, but apparently that was higher than what they were looking for. We both shrugged and went our separate ways.
See? Even the BM is being affected... It just sucks all the way around. I'll be glad when I get rid of everything and move on.
I'll be on my way before that, I'm Westbound and down. I've been saving my pennies for just such an occasion. Do you have to have a license to purchase from a grower like you or can anyone buy directly?? Asking for a greedy friend :bigjoint:
I have to sell to a METRC compliant buyer. The State has all of my inventory in thier system, and it has to match what I sell as to what I have on hand. Now, I know a shit ton of people have been holding back on thier reporting and selling the excess on the BM, but... it's not worth the audit. We've always tried to be as compliant as possible. But in a crashing market.... we are dead locked.
I'm in VA too, personal grower only. I was approached by someone looking to sell on the black market. When asked how much I'd sell for, I was thinking along the lines of like $500-600 a lb, but apparently that was higher than what they were looking for. We both shrugged and went our separate ways.
They're crazy if they think they'll find decent bud cheaper than that in my opinion. The last time I talked to someone that was buying black market in VA they were paying 100 a quarter for top shelf or what passes for it. If DC is paying over 1K with NY just a drive up 95 then it's gotta be higher in VA I'd think. I'm just glad I don't have to know what it costs. I just worry about buying seeds and paying the damn electric bill.
I have to sell to a METRC compliant buyer. The State has all of my inventory in thier system, and it has to match what I sell as to what I have on hand. Now, I know a shit ton of people have been holding back on thier reporting and selling the excess on the BM, but... it's not worth the audit. We've always tried to be as compliant as possible. But in a crashing market.... we are dead locked.
Damn shame about that gate you left open, insurance should cover the cannabis right? Wink, wink, nudge, nudge know what I mean? All kidding aside, I hope you guys get a decent price for your hard work man. It sure looks like what I'd want to smoke.
They're crazy if they think they'll find decent bud cheaper than that in my opinion. The last time I talked to someone that was buying black market in VA they were paying 100 a quarter for top shelf or what passes for it. If DC is paying over 1K with NY just a drive up 95 then it's gotta be higher in VA I'd think. I'm just glad I don't have to know what it costs. I just worry about buying seeds and paying the damn electric bill.
Problem in my area is that EVERYONE is growing. He's getting supplied from multiple dudes, and selling top-shelf for $40 1/8 at friendly prices. So yeah his extreme low ball caught me off guard. No idea what he was expecting, but it certainly wasn't worth my time and effort.
@DoubleAtotheRON , I thought about you earlier today and that armadillo problem you had. My motion sensors kept going off and I went to see what it was and found this girl eating my bushes. I was going to remind her it's bow season as she was 15 yards away and broadside by putting an arrow through her but my wife has named her Dottie and made me promise not to hunt her. I took a pic of her instead and sent her on her way with a shout. Damn wife, that would have been a chip shot and I could have field dressed it on my deck. That deer has no idea how lucky it is :bigjoint: IMG_20221009_172403019~2.jpg
I have 4-6 resident doe I'm banned from hunting, SMH. Luckily they all travel together and any deer not part of the wife's favorites are fair game. It's a true test of love to watch her pets grazing 10 yards in front of my deer stand every year. I don't need much venison and the several I take every year are enough for us and any friends or family that might be having a hard time.