How much for a pound near you?

How much does a bottle of Coke cost? Lots of automation to bring overhead down. Lots of competition, but curiously they all charge about the same price. Except for the specialty* soda companies who charge much more and seem to be doing fine.
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Funny how? Most crops prices are pretty stable
I agree, because the whole rushing out to become a farmer thing and crashing the market was done a long time ago. That's a complex issue with subsidies and international trade, along with massive variations of products and pricings. But a lot of small, usually organic farms are making a living these days. Cowboys used to make a killing until barbed wire was invented. Steak is still valuable though.
It may go the route of tobacco. $10 bucks for a pack, maybe half ounce of shredded vegetation. Step one pay politicians to eliminate competition, step two name your price.
I just paid 325 for some Smoke...

My Boy Saw It & was Like
DAMN!!! You had to Go To The Himalayas & Fight Ninjas FOR THAT SHIT!!

I just laugh...& smoked everybody out...
That could have been a bag of seeds...
The price will continue to come down. Cannabis is not a difficult crop to grow even on a large scale.

Pretty much worthless here currently. Even LP’s will start to lose money if it comes down anymore. $50 zips all day around here, and that’s AAA stuff too. People would rather buy 2 of those zips for a $100 then get quads for $100 a zip
I suppose its all relative to your market. Oklahoma has 3.25M people, and ~378,000 patient card holders. As of Oct 2022, we actually LOST ~1500 card holders year over year while people are STILL setting up grows. It's all in how our law was written. Some small grow ops figured out that instead of paying $3000 in fees, monthly fees for METRC, and all the costs that come with a commercial op, have opted to just be a Patient for $50 a year. As a Patient with a household of 4, you can have 24 flowering and 24 vegging... no inspections, no reporting, no METRC, and are selling on the BM for a fraction of the cost and hassle.. (the paperwork is insane). .. and to answer your question @GODWORK , depending on the pheno, we'd make 185-295g per plant market ready.
6 - 10 Oz. per Plant.
Lab Grade Smoke...With 300K people that WANT SMOKE...
I would try to make Myself open to Card Holders

It would be too perfect IF You could CONTACT Card Holders Once a Month.
& Take Private Orders...
What You Wanna Smoke??
6 - 10 Oz. per Plant.
Lab Grade Smoke...With 300K people that WANT SMOKE...
I would try to make Myself open to Card Holders

It would be too perfect IF You could CONTACT Card Holders Once a Month.
& Take Private Orders...
What You Wanna Smoke??
It don't work like that. We cannot contact card holders. That's the Dispensary's job. We can only sell to a Dispensary, or Processor. This State is now the largest producer per capita... it's become pretty much worthless.
I Gotta Hit OK. Up...

How Many Dispo Owners Do You sell too...OR know on a hand shake basis??
Hard to say... we've sold to many over the past 4 years. Some repeats, some new. However, If you're out of State, you're out of luck. You have to be a Oklahoma licensed grower, be in METRC, have Oklahoma Labs, Transportation Agent ID, seed to sale tracking labeling with RFID, GPS tracking with your manifest, ... it's just a pain in the ass just to even take samples to the lab, much less to a Dispensary.