I dont sell or condone but we know trades are ok. I got my first customer but really just family and for fun. I always wanted to share and now Im possibly becoming a care giver already.
I dont see why not, I know how to make sure the weed is safe to use and dont use pesticides. I think its safe.
Anyway if youre my friend or family and want to be my patient Il do you 15$ an oz. 120 half ib 240 ib. Basically 15 an oz all the way up. The buddy price.
I may do 100 half 150 whole if I got enough patients doing 15 an oz often enough.
I seen oz’s as cheap as 35 but with tax and its outdoor not as appealing. 90 an oz of decent indoor with tax but some rewards programs and promotions can get you great deals every now and then.
Its flooded around me so need to price accordingly. Need to beat other potential care givers. Need to strengthen bond. Get jelous every time they buy elsewhere lol. But were they better than me? Sad face.
Not for profit but enough to make it worth it aside from sharing product. Give free stuff. Dry sift, edibles, weed etc. Just get my useage paid and some profit to go right back into the grow.