How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area


Well-Known Member
people that dont and havent ever grown should stop the flaming about high price.........get urself some lights seeds medium and nutes and see how u do.
oh yea dont let anyone see it and dont ever tell a single like that and tell me 10 dollars a gram is too much........yea whatever


Well-Known Member
live like that and tell me 10 dollars a gram is too much........yea whatever

I don't mind anything people have said on here, but nothing gets on my nerves more then gas prices.. yes, we have to pay it and bitchin wont make it any cheaper, so shut the f up. I feel slightly better now :) :peace:


Well-Known Member
people that dont and havent ever grown should stop the flaming about high price.........get urself some lights seeds medium and nutes and see how u do.
oh yea dont let anyone see it and dont ever tell a single like that and tell me 10 dollars a gram is too much........yea whatever

well put!:peace::hump:


Well-Known Member
Im going to be growing celtic hash and ak47.

Assuming its going to be decent to good conditions how much can I get for an ounce(dollars) of each of these strains? Im in NY(five boros) if that helps

The Martian

Active Member
Hi All.
Your bang on Mate, the only ones usually gripe about price, have never grown.
Oh yeh, BTW Here in Manchester UK, Crappy cakemix, (soapbar) varies from pretty crap to unsmokable, and is between £45 £50 an Ounce, decent indoor grown sensi weed is around £130 £140.


Well-Known Member
I'm in Central Canada. I pay $200 an O usually. If it looks good then it might be $220 but shouldn't be any more than that. From what I'm told there isn't much that stays around here to be bought by the locals. It's usually shipped down to the US where they can make more money off you guys cause you'll pay more for it. I've heard of people doubling their sales because they found someone in the US that would by it instead of selling in here in Canada. Also alot of BC weed seems to be shipped across canada and just dumped in diff. locations. Right about now we are getting nothing but swag *this happens every year* and it will last till close to christmas. In the winter is when the good shit seems to pass through but finding good weed has brought about hard times. Which I why I now come to this site for help. So I can grow my own. :blsmoke:


Active Member
wow yall pay out the ass
we get it for $80-150
i live in North Carolina and it's like that out thought most of the state:joint::hump::blsmoke:

Hidden Dragon

Well-Known Member
They are starting to.

Excerpt from a newspaper article titled "Pot a growing problem in Japan".
(Get it?)

"The number of marijuana cases handled by police in the first half of the year rose 12% from the same period last year to 1,202 the National Police
Agency said in a report. At that rate, the number of cases will reach an all-time high this year, passing the 2,288 recorded in 2006".


"Last month, a government worker was arrested on charges of growing marijuana in a specially equipped room in his home. He reportedly used the drug with his wife and had bought his seeds online."


"While the number is still very low compared with other countries, it rose more quickly than cases involving amphetamines and other synthetic stimulants, which have long been the most popular illegal drugs in Japan".


Well-Known Member
last weekend, got an 8th for $25, so I guess that would be $200 for 1oz. pretty good stuff. puts me in a daze after a few good hits. another dealer has some really good mids for $40 an 8th. (got my facts straight this time, no guessing like my first post)


are you all police or sumthin!!! askin and tellin how much people pay for their weed is nobodys business but your own, remember that all you red hot cookies.!!!! wise up!


Well-Known Member
off topic but i got some merch last week that had some purple buds and leaves in it... weird never seen that before in commercial