How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area


Active Member
i kinda get hooked up, but a quarter of upper-mid is around $45-50, dank is around $75-80, there's been a huge shortage here lately because of several large busts, and some are taking advantage of the situation. :/


Active Member
paying anything over 300 euro is crazy. no point tbh. if you got money fair enough like. 9 bars goin 2200 most of the time. keys for under 7k if you're lucky. i'm on about Ireland btw.

Big difference between ireland and other countries is that if we wanna buy bulk we NEVER have a choice. could be sprayed could be clean. Price doesn't vary that much. bars for 2000+. Suppose its a bit better than soap anyways :|

WE NEED A HALF DECENT GROWING COMMUNITY. nobody has the balls/ability for a significant commercial operation. if we had a supply of locally grown weed we'd be able to force the standard of the imported stuff up. and if any of ye other euros think ye have it bad, ye have NO idea.

To any other Irish floating about: Theres plenty of fields in Ireland......
Go for a spin, look for a few decent fields. All it takes is a smidgen of effort and you're off.


Well-Known Member
here on the eastside of FL it goes for about $80-$100 for regs $100-$150 for mids and anywere from $350-$500 for chronic,skunk(the dank)


Active Member
In Minnesota you can get killer nugs for$190 an ounce! I know , sounds like BS but it's true.
"Everybody move to Canada, smoke lotsaPOT everybody move to Canada right now, here's how we do it, bum rush the border guard before he and his dog ever knew it,"
"Streets on fire the mob goes wild wild wild"

"Neil Fallon" "CLUTCH"


Well-Known Member
I'm most confused by 'ounces'.... we work in grams in the UK & we get 3.5 Grams for £20 ($40).

Sometimes you get a right arse of a dealer who chooses to charge £25 an eighth (3.5g) but really it weighs up at 3g & is more often than not, very really you're getting about .5g of what is effectively water.

Hence the reason I've started my own crop this year, so the only person I have to deal with is myself :D


Well-Known Member
in AZ chonic (sensimilla) has always been about the same price $60 an 1/8. can range from weak to super powerfull stuff. one time I was lucky enough to get like close to a 1/4 for $40. and for anything purple or even if thers a slight tinge of purple in one bud you can always expect an increase in price, regaurdless of potency.

for Regs the price realy fluxuates depending on who u know ect. hard to say which was the best regs I ever smoked out here. But I remember something like 50-60 a 1/4 and it was ther was probly like 3 very healthly seeds in the bad, and bud coulda fooled ya for KB, GREAT SMOKE!


Well-Known Member
My lady came home a few days back from a trip away. Picked up a Q (7g) for AUD90. No seed, but picked just a flyfart too early and dried too quick. Had a slight chlorophyll smell, but didn't have that yuck minty taste that chlorophyll gives your weed. It was an indica too, which didn't help matters much. But then, we beggars cannot be choosers now can we?