How much is petrol per gallon near you?

Currently seeing $4.11-$4.15 per gallon for 10% ethanol, and $4.59-$4.69 for pure fuel, Diesel is ~$ 5.69 here in Oklahoma, USA. IF you're in another Country, please try to convert to USD and in gallons. I know alot of people buy by the liter, but to keep it simple, and on and even keel, just do the conversion.
And don't list your temps in Celsius. We use Fahrenheit here. :lol:
In other news... OPEC has committed to 50% increase in output. I don't see how this is going to affect current fuel prices, as they appear to be increasing output to stay "in the market". The US, and Canada has output that is prompting them to open the valve for a minute as not to lose market share. WTI, and Brent Crude seem to be holding steady.
In other news... OPEC has committed to 50% increase in output. I don't see how this is going to affect current fuel prices, as they appear to be increasing output to stay "in the market". The US, and Canada has output that is prompting them to open the valve for a minute as not to lose market share. WTI, and Brent Crude seem to be holding steady.
Wish I would've invested all my money in oil a couple years ago, :lol: