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I will share an article from our Collaborator about "How Much Light Do You Need for Indoor Cannabis?"
Welcome to share your experience if you have more ideas.
For this topic, our Collaborator has the following views:
Matching the Grow Light to the Grow Space
When setting up your indoor cannabis grow, we recommend that you start by thinking about the yield that you would like to be able to harvest each cycle. As we explain in our guide, “Grow Tents and Harvest Sizes”, the yield of each grow is limited by the space, so your yield goals should determine the size of your grow tent. The size of your grow tent then determines the amount of light that you need.
You can grow cannabis plants under small lights or large lights. Many growers use less light than they could and still produce decent harvests. However, the efficiency of the grow and the quality of the harvested cannabis is best when the grow lights are matched to the grow space.
Not Enough Light Produces Larf
When the light is insufficient for the space, it can result in lower quality cannabis and more work trimming. Large plants that receive inadequate light will produce a lot of low-quality buds that we call “larf”. Many growers mistakenly think that larf is the result of budding sites not receiving light. In reality, larf is the result of a plant that, in total, has more budding sites than energy to develop them. If the plant is receiving less than optimal light and has a large number of budding sites, it will produce larf.
Too Much Light Is Damaging or Wasteful
It is even more important to avoid giving the plants too much light. As we explain below, there is a limit to the amount of light a plant can use, and excessive light will cause damage. If you have too much light, you could avoid damage by raising or dimming the light. Raising the light wastes energy and reduces efficiency. If you must dim the light, then you are not taking full advantage of your investment. In either case, you would save money and be more efficient if you had lights that were properly matched to the space.
Welcome to share your experience if you have more ideas.
For this topic, our Collaborator has the following views:
Matching the Grow Light to the Grow Space
When setting up your indoor cannabis grow, we recommend that you start by thinking about the yield that you would like to be able to harvest each cycle. As we explain in our guide, “Grow Tents and Harvest Sizes”, the yield of each grow is limited by the space, so your yield goals should determine the size of your grow tent. The size of your grow tent then determines the amount of light that you need.
You can grow cannabis plants under small lights or large lights. Many growers use less light than they could and still produce decent harvests. However, the efficiency of the grow and the quality of the harvested cannabis is best when the grow lights are matched to the grow space.
Not Enough Light Produces Larf
When the light is insufficient for the space, it can result in lower quality cannabis and more work trimming. Large plants that receive inadequate light will produce a lot of low-quality buds that we call “larf”. Many growers mistakenly think that larf is the result of budding sites not receiving light. In reality, larf is the result of a plant that, in total, has more budding sites than energy to develop them. If the plant is receiving less than optimal light and has a large number of budding sites, it will produce larf.
Too Much Light Is Damaging or Wasteful
It is even more important to avoid giving the plants too much light. As we explain below, there is a limit to the amount of light a plant can use, and excessive light will cause damage. If you have too much light, you could avoid damage by raising or dimming the light. Raising the light wastes energy and reduces efficiency. If you must dim the light, then you are not taking full advantage of your investment. In either case, you would save money and be more efficient if you had lights that were properly matched to the space.