How much light is too much light?


Active Member
I fully agee with the people above it is as i had said before doin upwards of fifty plants is to many for your first time that is why i was saying do 20-25.

However this is where i differ. I would say run your two thousand watts on all of those plants a nice rule of thumb on 1000w hps is is measure from your elbow to finger tip and that is how far the top canopy of lights should be. Also if you are going to buy a carbon (can) filter it will cost you about 200-300 bucks than you have to buy ducting and an out line fan. and 2-300 dollars and than an intake fan also. Keeping in mind if this is in a bed room that involves two holes in your floors\ ceilings of your house.

After this get an osciliating fan or two and keep those blowing in there. Also make sure your circuit box can handle all of the power look up amps etc...

Now get some good soil (this part is oponion) i highly recommend roots organics if you have access to it. And get some nutes. I of course say go organic but make sure that you really talk to the people at the store. Organic fertilizers are slightly harder to use but in my oponion give the best results. Final step get mylar, panda paper, visqueen what ever sounds good to you and cover your walls and floor in it. Keep the room clean and keep water off the floor. you know. Now run the lights for a day see how hard it is to control heat. if your stayin between 72-85 with them on than grow on