How much longer?,first groww...i have pics


i know this kinda post is getting lame and old,my badd but yeahh this is a bagseed plant,sativa dominant,in three days it'll be 3 months since i started her from seed,i cant tell you how long its been flowering because ima true newbie and i was confused with preflowers and all that stuff,i think it started flowering like mid July maybe,but anyways could you guys give me a estimate on how much longer she has? er can u not tell cause my cams a piece of shiit?



Well-Known Member
check you the color of your trichs bro.

That's the only true way to tell when you want to harvest.

View attachment 1124758

A little advice for ya, just trying to help.. but on your next grow try and remember to write down the date that you planted them, the day that they sprouted, how many weeks of veg it had, and lastly make sure you also remember to write down the day and date that the plant showed its sex (first set of hairs).... this way you can keep track of how many weeks and days that the plant has been alive (total); how long it was in veg. cycle for; and how long its been flowering.
It's what I do.. but I use a medium sized erasable white board, that has a blank calender graphic in it. Pretty cool and helps me keep track of other things too.. My memory isn't all that great.

anyhow, hopefully that helped you out.

good luck!



alrightt thanks ganja...thats how i was gunna tell,i just dont get payed till tuesday so i cant buy a magnifyer yet and dont want them to be too done ya know,im more of a high person


Active Member have time, just judging by the pics it looks like you have at least a weak before it starts getting decent numbers of amber trichs. All the hairs still look white.....