How much longer??? NL *PICS*


Well-Known Member
NL 400W HPS, theres damage to the leaves, could this be because of use of molasses?

How much longer till i can harvest?


Well-Known Member
I believe NL is an indica strain, and with indica you want to harvest when the trichomes are a milky/amber color.


Well-Known Member
:confused:Can you get a better pic of those leaves?? Closer with just your flash? And how do the older leaves look? They look to be doing the opposite as you get towards the top.... and are those white specks<----mites? Cant really see close enough and cant judge true color. How much molasses you using?
I 've never had problems with molasses but I dont think I ever used over 1tbsp per gallon......and I 've had NL go 13-14 weeks 12/12 when it stressed over anything.......and you do want at least mostly cloudy towards amber with the trics
Good luck and I hope someone chimes in here for you with the correct answer!
