How much longer should i veg for?


Active Member
:leaf::leaf: Hey guys this is my first grow. I am wondering how much longer i should veg her for?? and if i started flowering in 3 weeks how much bud would i get if i waited that much longer?

Temps: 72
Humidity: 40%
Light: Have a 50 watt growing light that gives off heat in the back of the picture below and i have 2 100 watt cfl's that are from home depot, the energy saver one's, that are on a spliter that's hung up about 4 inches high from the top of the plant.

Info: transplanted her about 2 weeks ago to the bigger pot, the one that you will also see below in the pic as well. Neut are in a 2 day cycle period: neut 2days, water, 2 days, and then back to neut. So i repeat the schedule.

** Also i topped her as you will tell about 3 days ago.

Can anyone help me and answer my two questions? Advice about it? :leaf::leaf:



Well-Known Member
until you have a strong stem, and good root system..........however long or short that is. plants don't wear watches, or own calendars, so its dangerous to think of their development in terms of days, and weeks. some 12/12 from seed, with good results.
How long to veg depends on how much height you have available. A plant will double or even triple in size when 12/12 is induced. As for how much bud you will get, with that much light and just the one plant, you may get a few days worth of budz depending on how much you smoke. She looks healthy though, as I am sure you know the more light, the more budz. That is just a law of nature.
yup how tall is it now and well the more nodes you got the more the buds have to grow on i normaly veg for 6 to 8 weeks depending on the strain and wether there autos or not and then flower for 8 weeks then give them a 2week flush with just plain water no nutes no chemicaly taste to your buds then


Active Member
Dolci: i want her to have enough for 2 zips dry? she is 10 inches now.

scroglodyte : well the stem has gotten a lot stronger in the last 2 weeks. she is showing her mature 5 fan leaves at the top of the plant.
Dolci: i want her to have enough for 2 zips dry? she is 10 inches now.

That is very optimistic of you my friend and I wish you the best of luck. Please do not consider giving up growing if she does not produce 2oz. dry There will be more grows in your future. And you obviously know the basics of growing healthy plants. You are just limited by space and equipment. +REP


Active Member
hey man, when you're ready transplant to a larger pot, let her stretch her roots for a week then switch to 12/12.

calculating yield is impossible because it depends on so many factors. if you're using CFLs you won't get 2 zips. but you'll get something and can improve upon that in the future.