How much Longer? Super Skunk 9 weeks old *PICS


downsized_1231101554a.jpg this is it super skunk 9 weeks old. I veged till it was about 2 - 3 feet high. Then flowered since about nov. 1st.
downsized_1231101554b.jpg Look as the buds are hanging down they are quite heavy too.​

downsized_1231101554.jpg The Leaves at about the 4 foot mark are turning yellow and are also drying up, It isnt over watering either cuz I know.​

downsized_1231101555.jpg A close up of the buds. Not that thick and also have lots of pistols as well​

downsized_1231101553.jpg The crystals are very frosty and looks milk white on all the smaller buds, also about 15 % of them arent straight they are bending back into the leaf. The stock the "cola" I think thats what you guys call it still isnt as frosty as there smaller ones that are branched off like every foot.​

I was thinking of plucking all the smaller branched buds and just keep the top chunk bud going would that work out?​

I was thinking 1 to 2 weeks easy what you guys think? I also started the flushing period too.​


yea I know I had them under a 100 watt halogen for about the 1st 6 weeks and then switched to a 150 watt hps with the 100 watt halogen in there as well. Do you mean hungry for nutrients? I got some I can go another week with the nutrents if thats what you are sugesting.


yea I know but ive seen a plant grow under a single 75 watt floresent bulb and it worked out so I dont see a prob with the light also It is as bright in there as it would be outside on a sunny day im gunna give it till the end of the month unless the crystals turn amber.


yea I know read all the post man I switched it to hps 150 watt flood light and that fucker pushes way more than any little bulb would.


Well-Known Member
you need a lot more light for a plant that tall. it looks like you have quite a while left to go.


yea Im thinking its going to take forever its a mainly sativa and is about 5 foot tall so that combo isnt to wild should have flowered it at about the 10" height or maybe just start at 12/12 start. I sampled a little bud its weight was 1.4 wet and dried it came to .5 so that ratio isnt to bad. Id say the plant weights about 50 grams plus so im guessing I have about 1/2 ounce on it now. I going to give it 2-3 more weeks and see if there is anymore growth in the buds.