how much longer the wait till harvest?ball park on yield yield?


Well-Known Member

strain: afghan kush
Age: since Mid march
Pot: 5 gallon
Nutes: sea bird guano and molasses
Feeding: as much as I can, plants seem to never burn


Active Member
maybe .75-1.5 ounces
its not ready yet, the leaves arent close to changing colors the buds havent fattened out yet
maybe use some legit nutes meant for marijuana it might be a little late now, keep it in the sunniest place possible goodluck man! lookin good check out my new bong just got!!


Active Member
nice bong! the plant picture is not great, but I'd say it's only 3-4 weeks into flowering. You'll need 3-4 more.


Well-Known Member
man u need to do some book work dude. I started my plants in june and there 4x that size u need more nutes other then guano
Wasnt the nutes that did this it was the 24hr indoor than moved outdoor which made it flower than revegg that slowed my growth alot.

iosh herman

Active Member
Take my comment as a learning curve, im in no way harrassing your skills...Although you really do need to take better care of your baby bro, or maybe use better grow supplies....
I got a box of General Organics ferts that I used this season and I've really enjoyed using that brand. It came with 6 difffernt bottles and a nice, detailed feeding schedule. The GO box set only costed like $30. I haven't had to do anything as far as the pH is concerned this year. You may want to give it a try on future grows.

I can see where your plant started revegging and throwing out the weird looking leaves. Its difficult to say how much longer you've got, but I'd guess at least another 3 weeks, probably longer. How long did it flower before it started re-vegging? Good luck man.


Well-Known Member
The afgan kush imo is like the most basic of the lush, has a real hashy taste with pine, tents to turn purple during laye flower in cold temps.