How Much longer, With pics, please i need help im on a tight schedule

I will be leaving my baby to go back to FL on August 16th, that is in 22 days, my plant has been in 12/12 for 42 days under 4-23 watt cfl, 2-42 watt cfl, it is placed in a 3x3x 8 ft closet painted flat white and i use Fox Farm Tiger Bloom nutes the average temp is 80* and the humidity averages about 50%. The seeds came from regz i started with 12 seedlings and widdled my way down to one female. will my plant have time to fully mature in the last 22 days or am i gonna have to find some one to nurture her for me.

please help this is my first indoor grow and she looks and smells so good i dont want to ruin all my hard work



Well-Known Member
you'll be able to do an early harvest if its a must. The plant will fill out the most in the last 2 weeks though so if you are cutting short, realize you could be wasting potential. If you are still having doubts throw up an updated pick when you have about 7 days left. Typically you are looking at 70 to 80 days for flowering some finish a lot earlier, some a lot later.
Thanks wilsoncr17 , if you had no time restrictions how long do you think you would wait until harvest just a guess?

any one else got any ideas??


Well-Known Member
I would go atleast two more weeks jus lookin at all the new white pistols cant see trichomes tho but coult imagine theyd say to much different. if ur gonna harvest anyway make sure u atleast fully dry and cure it for a few weeks. Looks like some dank tho..+rep


Well-Known Member
hard to tell right now, put up some picks couple days before your leaving and should be able to tell alot more then. Either way sounds like your going to have to harvest before you go, I doubt you want someone else harvesting your one and only plant unless you got someone who is trustworthy and half way knows what they're doing. So if you have 22days until you leave then I would start flushing within the week, how long are you gonna be gone in florida. After you chop, its gotta hang for 4-10days depending on temps, then needs to be jarred up and cured for atleast a couple of weeks if you want to get the best possible potential out of your girl. Basicly if you have someone who knows what they're doing then you should wait until you get atleast 50/50 cloudy/amber trichs, probably longer if your looking for a more heavy stone. The bummer thing is harvesting, drying and curing is basicly the most important part, you know what they say....growing is a science, curing is an art...Ive seen lots of great plants and bud be turned into alfalfa smelling disappointment. Wish you all the best, post some more pics in a couple of weeks with the same question. Take Care, Peace!


Active Member
Day 56 harvest is pushing it. I try and shoot for about 70days to chopping block myself. You should have just enough time, but what about drying time? Best of luck to ya!
THanks Bluffin Cali im leaving for florida and wont be back until december. i was hoping to cut it down on day 62 and dry for 2 days i will dry it, with fans i think it will be fine but im not sure. then i was gonna jar it up and bring it down to florida to me. just because im wondering, if i were to cut it down today and dry and cure it would it still get me high?
i have a 12 dollar 100x zoom microscope from radio shack but i dont really get where the trichomes come from, are they on the leaves or on the white hairs or on the green where the white hairs come out of, im pretty sure its the third of those, and also i have trouble keeping my hands steady enough to see the trichomes... maybe that just me.....but if it looks like about twenty days should be enough what steps do i have to take in order to get ready for that


I grow my trees outside an its been about 2monts. my male tree is ding an my females leaves are turning yellow. Dner a 1ft 1/2
both of them. How can i keep them alive an how much longer aprx do i let them grow. How long from start to final stages of groth


Well-Known Member
The trichomes are all the crystals, up close the little ball on the end of trichome (crystal) will turn from clear to milky to amberish, most people like more amber than milky for a stonger body stone. Trust me you dont want to harvest now, to me it would be useless, smoke would be extemely harsh and not stoney at all, try to let it go as long as you can according to your time restraints, my point was just to leave atleast a weeks time after chop to dry properly, if you dont have enough time to cure it, it atleast needs to be dried and jarred before you leave. When you zoom in dont use the 100x zoom, try it zoomed out a bit, cause it is hard to focus at 100x, atleast for me...and the trichomes are all over everything, trich's are just all of the crystals, frosty goodness, some herb will have trichs all over the fan leaves its so stacked, there really the best way to guage where your preference's are, more milky more head high, more amber than milky is heavier body stone kinda feeling...again post some pics in couple of weeks, about 10days before you gotta leave and get some better advice according to what she looks like then.


Active Member
I will be leaving my baby to go back to FL on August 16th, that is in 22 days, my plant has been in 12/12 for 42 days under 4-23 watt cfl, 2-42 watt cfl, it is placed in a 3x3x 8 ft closet painted flat white and i use Fox Farm Tiger Bloom nutes the average temp is 80* and the humidity averages about 50%. The seeds came from regz i started with 12 seedlings and widdled my way down to one female. will my plant have time to fully mature in the last 22 days or am i gonna have to find some one to nurture her for me.

please help this is my first indoor grow and she looks and smells so good i dont want to ruin all my hard work
very nice plant man!!!! a say about 3 more weeks


Well-Known Member
Most strains outside should be done by end of october, first week november...some strains could finish very end of september


Well-Known Member
you leave in just about 3 weeks. You have some signs that you might be within 2-3 weeks of being ripe, but without checking trich's and knowing strain, it's hard to say for sure. You will have a bunch of wet bud to transport, so take extra precautions (against moisture, and odor). GL.


Well-Known Member
Well if your going to be able to take the herb with you then I would wait until about 4-5days before you leave, chop, cut all big leaves, hang until dry, manicure it to where you want and jar it up. Depending on the amount of moisture left will determine how often and how long you open up and give the buds air, basicly the longer and slower you prolong the process the closer you'll get to the absolute full potential of what your growing.


Well-Known Member
If its going to go another 20days, I would start giving her only water in about a week just to start flushing it out, try and time it so you harvest on a day the plant would absolutely need watering, that way alot of the moisture is gone when you harvest, also if you can give her about 24-36hrs of pure darkness before harvest the plants will tend to produce more trichomes.


Will the male tree die. The female tree has little pods that look like seeds some of them are opening into little flowers. Is this ok :-?