how much longer you guys waiting?


Well-Known Member
Ive read somthing about the east. It said on the east that you should wait until like the first week in june. Just keep them in Veg until and you will have no problems with early blooming or frost. Last year i had all my plants in full flowering in may because i planted outside april 20 so ill say just be patient cause the energy its using to push out buds could be used to grow taller and a chance to produce more of a harvest.


Well-Known Member
I'm on the west coast in the Sierra Nevada foothills at 3000 ft elevation. I'm putting mine out on the Waxing moon in May. This year they will go out May 9th and 10th.
Farmers have been planting by the moon phases for centuries, so I do too. Plants that bare their fruit above ground, you plant on the "waxing moon" (waxing moon is when the moon goes from a new moon to a full moon) Plants which you eat their roots, or grow under ground (carrots, potatoes, radishes, and so on....)you plant on the warning moon.
I use this site to help me figure out how mant hours of sun lights i'm getting at my gardem. On May 9th I'll receive 14hrs on sun light.
Good Luck


I'm on the west coast in the Sierra Nevada foothills at 3000 ft elevation. I'm putting mine out on the Waxing moon in May. This year they will go out May 9th and 10th.
Farmers have been planting by the moon phases for centuries, so I do too. Plants that bare their fruit above ground, you plant on the "waxing moon" (waxing moon is when the moon goes from a new moon to a full moon) Plants which you eat their roots, or grow under ground (carrots, potatoes, radishes, and so on....)you plant on the warning moon.
I use this site to help me figure out how mant hours of sun lights i'm getting at my gardem. On May 9th I'll receive 14hrs on sun light.
Good Luck
some good information there man, i put mine out 4/ very impatient