How much longer


Well-Known Member
kinda hard to tell from the photo - you need a closer shot of the buds... if you are having serious issues with the worms you may be better off cutting sooner than later, although I would try some kind of makeshift netting tent if I could. tokalot has the idea! if you don't have a microscope to check the trichomes, you can sort of tell by looking at the way the bud is behaving. at some point the pistils stop coming out straight up like antennae and start laying over, and changing colors. after a while, you'll get to notice it - the bud looks kind of "tired". the other thing I like to do is to snip a small bud from the middle of the plant and speed dry it in the oven - either overnight with the pilot light or in 20 min on 140 f or so. the smoke will be a bit nasty but you will have some idea of what the bud will look like when dry - they shrink a lot and what looked finished can actually be pretty airball.


Well-Known Member
I don't think the netting wild work not since I'm so far in now and the worms are there I was thinking about putting a net over a
skittle while ago then I got this infestation of them as now have to decide weather or not to cut to save the plant or Try n ride it out for a week or 2


you can see the amber in them. if you were to harvest now, i don't think you would be dissapointed.


Well-Known Member
We'll I chopped about half if not more off so hope there is enough to salvage after cutting out the bud worms mess


Well-Known Member
Think this one is any closer? I looked threw the scope and saw a bunch of amber but the hairs are still white?
I don't think the netting wild work not since I'm so far in now and the worms are there I was thinking about putting a net over a
skittle while ago then I got this infestation of them as now have to decide weather or not to cut to save the plant or Try n ride it out for a week or 2

Spinosad my dude. Captain jacks dead bug, worked wonders for me but takes a day or 2 because that have to eat it, but it looks like u have time to spray and harvest in 2 werks, even tho its all organic bacteria.