How much nutrients do you go through typically?


Active Member
I know this varies based on your setup - but in general if you're running a 35 gallon reservoir system for 4 plants what would you expect the numbers to be?


Well-Known Member
all depends on the nutrient concentration..could be .1-25Ml per 4l or gallon. im running the cns17 line right now in 18 gal res and it calls for 15Ml(full strength) per gallon. so thats 270 ml per res change. but again thats full strength and would always start with atleast 1/2 strength.


Active Member
Do you res change every 10 days? So roughly 8 res changes before flushing with clearex or pure water - 2160 ml of nutrients?


Well-Known Member
Idk res changes are a personel preference.. I run big power heads with intergrated air pumps in my resivors's to keep em fresh and circulated for a long time. Ill change the res 1-2 a month unless I need to flush or see some other kinda prob arises.


Well-Known Member
Do you res change every 10 days? So roughly 8 res changes before flushing with clearex or pure water - 2160 ml of nutrients?
You also have to remember he's using a res about half the size of yours so you would be looking at about 525 ml using his CNS17. Using the lucas formula with Gen Hydro would end up being about 24 ml per gallon or 840 ml at full strength per change. The Canna Aqua, which I LOVE, is around 22 ml at full strength which comes to 770 ml all told.

You have to keep in mind that there are many more factors in this than just setup. Your genetics are the main thing. You have to get familiar with a strain and find out what it can take without adverse effects, i.e. burning, to feed it to it's potential. "Full strength" is most definitely not the most concentrated solution I feed my plants. Sometimes I will even be using double full strength in full blown flower. A good TDS meter will help you regulate this as well but as a general rule you want to work your way up in nutrient concentrations going into flower and want to peak and start easing off about halfway through. Many people use additives as well which brings your total up even higher still. The number of changes one will do over a flowering period is also determinate on how long the plant takes to ripen. If you do weekly changes on a full sativa that takes 12 to 14 weeks to finish with a week or two of flush you use significantly more nutrient than if you change every two weeks on an eight week strain with a week or so of flushing. Frequency of changes varies by person as well. Where I change about twice a week and add back pure water in veg I will change once a week in flower. Some will do one or the other throughout and some will pick varying lengths in between, such as ten. As you said it can also vary widely dependent on the system you use as well as the product you purchase as demonstrated above. Once you figure this out your answer will be a lot more clear. Some choices are a matter of preference but almost all of them involve cost. My Canna is a lot harder to come by, more expensive, and I use more per gallon than seanec's CNS but I know it works well and I enjoy it. Not knocking the other stuff because I haven't heard bad things just not very many people seem overly impressed either. Good luck with whatever you decide.