How Much Ona Product?

I am going to be utilizing this product throughout my flower to ensure no issues with danky smells, and the like. I will have 1-4 short cfl plants, depending on fems, in an area that is around (lwh) 6' X 3' X 3' with a slanted roof, coming down to a wall about a foot high off the floor, so its actual space is about 60% of the average room of these dimensions. Rather unimportant anyway to be so exact. :joint: Ventilation will consist of either a passive intake or, maybe one 80mm pc fan, and an ehaust of 3 80mm pc fans. I am looking to rig up a DIY Ona Bucket or something of the like. How much ona would I need to run 24hrs. a day, for 6-9 weeks? I was thinking a quart if I use it sparingly? Preferred scents, and Gel or Liquid?


Well-Known Member
A small carbon filter would be a much better bet. And ditch the 3 PC fans and get an inline fan. You can get a 6" 250cfm fan for $25 from HTG. Put the carbon filter in the room, attach it to the fan and vent clean, odor free air outside... or inside. It wont matter because it wont smell.

A little $ spent now will save you a lot of headache in the future. You'll end spending more on ona than you would just doing it right in the first place. Air fresheners mask smells and they are often just as suspicious. Why does your attic reek like lavender, mint and a skunks asshole?

Flowering cannabis has a STRONG odor. If you are planning on growing 4 plants, you will need a carbon filter.


Active Member
Dont get a duct booster like the clown above me is talking about....Sounds like another moron giving shit advice....Dont buy a 25 dollar duct booster it wont be able to pull air through your filter-Get a 4 inch centrifugal and carbon scrubber, the 4 inch fans are in the area of 170cfm so get a speed control and dial it in.

Also, to the jackass above ONA does not mask smells it actually does eliminate them.That shit DOES add up though, just get the proper fan and scrubber.


I get the 20$ ona gel and it lasted about 2 months. Not sure if it masked it or eliminated it but but outside the grow room no longer smelled like skunk asshole. Im on my 4th container so like the other guy said it does add up.


Well-Known Member
ona can only be on your defensive team can not be your whole team

i run a 39 inch square tent
it has a scrubber an fan in side big enough to handle the whole tent
then the exaust from that and from my light goes through the wall to a huge scrubber and fan on the floor (the light pulls from outside and is closed )
i also use ona and a electronic fragrance emitter you ever go in one dem huge public bathrooms smeell the sweet smells -instead of funk -like dat

but if you growin 3 to 6 plants that are of decent size and are dank strong genetics you will need a whole team or be prepared to smell yo grow off and on depending on size of house and where grow is in a apartment forget about it


Well-Known Member
dont get mach more mature then me im 63 and a family man errybody has peeps in and out
nobody has smelled nutin yet
and never will cause i got a serious defensive team
wit a strong middle line backer and fast corner backers

day stop erryting broda


I an I
dont get mach more mature then me im 63 and a family man errybody has peeps in and out
nobody has smelled nutin yet
and never will cause i got a serious defensive team
wit a strong middle line backer and fast corner backers

day stop erryting broda


I an I
Thanks for the advice bud, might just employ a carbon scrubber and the Ona to be safe, not that much of an expense, probably figure out a whole system under 50 bones.

Zion, the one an only. Rastafari, kicking back a few Red Stripe with spliff in hand:weed: