How much pot can 1 plant produce?

Just a random newbie question i had thought that come to mind. How much weed (in weight) can say 1 marijuana plant grow each harvest?


Well-Known Member
yea i seen a 14 foot (im prety sure) one that yielded 4 found on this site it was outdoors ofcourse
So0o0o0o0o......whats the average would you say? i mean i'd think from the answers that 5lbs is the most. best guesses ofcorse i know there nothing exact. but average? ohh yeahhh plus if there produces a few pounds worth of home grown ganja, how tall would it be around, and width length too pls.


Active Member
ive seen a grow where they scroged a plant in a hole, it was 5 ft tall and 14 ft around producing almost 14 lbs.


Well-Known Member
Goal for average is 1/2 gram per watt of lighting used. If your good your goal should be 1 gram per watt, lot of shit can change this like how many plants are we talking about with the gram per watt goal. Could take several plants to reach the goal so its hard to judge so many different scenarios but I have always heard the ol saying gram per watt.
well the idea behind that question was. say i start from scratch and start to regrow a whole new batch of plants and from start to end, say i only get 2 female plants. but then i easley clone them and have the 2, plus at least 6 more (if the clones survive) then if i only le them grow until a few weeks into flowering, so i can get the most weed in he least amount of time. what size about might it come too.