How much PPM solution !!?? Thanks so much

My wife got me to switch to ml/L best thing I ever did for feed mixing on a large scale. I have 6 ml, 30ml and 300 Ml syringes and just mix by L of water added to res. Easier and actually I find more accurate than an ec meter
PPM meters can't read organic nutes so forget about that. They only read inorganic salts as they conduct electricity. Hence the EC name. Electrical Conductivity.
Finally , RIU has very informative people! This is never talked about and always overlooked. EC cannot be determined in soil ....same with ph. IF and only IF its chemicals you can test EC with a tds meter and ph as you want but if your using "real organics" then throw the tds an ph meter in the trash so it dont drag you away from whats really wrong.
"Root rot" is ALWAYS from not enough O2. IF you got enough O2 then you cannot overwater....litterally impossible. Dont go trying it and blaming me if they rot but it is a fact.
2L pots of 75% Promix HP and the rest sheep manure, steer manure and EWS
The shit was composted before you used it right, because that stuff will burn the fuck out of you plant.
You probably won't have to feed your plants anything though for awhile, like probably never.
What would you recommend?

You can always compost cannabis plants and trim from the years before. Not a profitable use of product but it’s a dang good highly sustainable compost source for grows if you are just trying to make a self sustaining system

Also you can feed chickens hemp seeds and use their manure. Basically any chicken shit works but again if you are looking for a sustainable cycle it’s a partial option.
The shit was composted before you used it right, because that stuff will burn the fuck out of you plant.
You probably won't have to feed your plants anything though for awhile, like probably never.

It's composted. Just commercial bags I got at the local store. We have chickens so could use that too as we have 3 large compost piles but I don't want to use it for indoor growing as it has all sorts of bugs in it that are fine in the veggie garden outside but may get out of hand inside. Every spring one pile will get used in the garden and a new batch started. Fresh chicken manure will certainly fry plants as it's so high in urea nitrogen. Got moss in your lawn just spread an inch of fresh chicken crap over it. Kills the moss and grows grass great.

The first buds I grew in Calgary back in '78 were grown in 5gal pails of dirt from the poplar woods and sheep shit from my father-in-law's farm under lots of T-12 lights. Weren't much to look at but never got any complaints from friends at the time. :)
It's composted. Just commercial bags I got at the local store. We have chickens so could use that too as we have 3 large compost piles but I don't want to use it for indoor growing as it has all sorts of bugs in it that are fine in the veggie garden outside but may get out of hand inside. Every spring one pile will get used in the garden and a new batch started. Fresh chicken manure will certainly fry plants as it's so high in urea nitrogen. Got moss in your lawn just spread an inch of fresh chicken crap over it. Kills the moss and grows grass great.

The first buds I grew in Calgary back in '78 were grown in 5gal pails of dirt from the poplar woods and sheep shit from my father-in-law's farm under lots of T-12 lights. Weren't much to look at but never got any complaints from friends at the time. :)
Yea, I hear ya about bugs in outdoor soil.
I had a sterile indoor grow until my wife, with all good intentions, added some soil from the garden while I was away.
For the next six months I was battling mites, thrips, fungus gnats and all sorts of other fucking insects.
It fucked with my grow big time, and forced me to hydro in a way, which was actually a good thing.
Point being, be very careful about bring outdoor soil into a grow room, it could turn into a real pain in the ass.