How much profit did you make last year?


Well-Known Member
i made 20 billion dollars last year.

on a more serious note, i have never, and will never pay taxes to the IRS till those scumbags can show me legislation that says that I am required to pay it.

did you know a good majority of congressmen dont even pay taxes?

did you know that the IRS RARELY goes after people that dont file (unless they make big bucks, or are high profile) but only go after people who file incorrectly?

this is because there is no law whatsoever that states the average joe is required to pay income taxes, however whenever you file, you are signing away your rights and anything that is incorrect on the forms you file can be held against you in court.


Well-Known Member
ok, i understand what your saying... but answer this.... where do you go to change your gold into US cash ?

gold may be worth... say 700 ounce ... who pays you that for it ?
does it have to be melted in bar form ? or can it be solid gold jewelry ?
im just waiting for NoDrama to come back here and answer this;-)


Well-Known Member
pretty sure if you take .999 pure bouillon to a bank they buy it.. could be mistaken tho, i know there was some sort or law about that back in the day


Well-Known Member
im just waiting for NoDrama to come back here and answer this;-)
I dunno man, I might be wrong, but I can't name too many places in my town where you can go cash in some gold with no questions asked. Especially when you look like me, they would just assume that I robbed some old people.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the PM. I often go out of town for work and most of the places I end up are primitive and have no net connection.

When I need to convert my gold and silver to cash i simply sell it back to the same folks in town I bought from. So now your asking "Well who the hell do you buy from"? I just get it from the local coin shops. they sell it at a bit higher price than spot and buy it back at about 3-5% less than the current spot price, so they make up to 5% profit when they resell yours. The only circumstances where I would sell would be for extremely important cash only settlements. You have to remember that gold and silver ARE wealth, not a representation of it like worthless paper. As long as there is inflation gold/silver will always increase in value. Historically Silver is at an all time low when priced against dollar devaluation ( Inflation). There is actually LESS refined above ground silver than there is Gold. We haven't mined enough silver to keep up with industrial use since the late 70's, every year the supply gets less and less. Why is the price so low? Market manipulation by shorting futures contracts on the COMEX. They actually Short more silver than exists, one day they will have to cover a short, or default and then the clearing house will have to guarantee the physical metal and will buy at any price. Then you may see silver selling for $100+/ounce instead of $13. I bought the majority of my silver back in November when it was $8.50.

There are several forms of gold and silver to physically hold. Starting with the bankers bars, these are 400 ounce ( Gold) and 1,000 ounce ( Silver) bars you always see in the big gold heist movies. its what the banks use to move large sums of cash around, they weigh alot so not very convenient for regular people like you and me. Next we have the 100 oz bars, they are about a large handful, stack well and are fairly easy to move around. Next are the 10 and 5 ounce bars and finally the 1 ounce or less coins that are minted. Of particular value is whats called "Junk Silver" Junk silver is not junk at all in fact its some of the most valuable because it has gauranteed silver content of 90% backed by the USA govt. All dimes, quarters and half dollars minted 1964 and earlier was all 90% silver. Now a days the most valuable silver of all is the US Govt Mints Silver eagle dollar coin. 99.99% pure silver of 1 troy ounce 31.1 grams. it is legal tender for $1, which is a big joke as it is worth multitudes more. They command a large premium over the spot price, currently Eagles can go for a s much at $5 over spot. People like them because they require no "Assay" to determine if they are indeed pure silver, just like "junk" silver also needs no assay. If your just selling back your silver to the same guy you purchased from more than likely he won't require any assay either, but if you went to some stranger in another city he may want to charge a small percentage to get the lot assay'd and verified of metal content. The coin shop owners in my neck of the woods(We have 4 shops in the local area) have been in the business for a long time, 2 of the shops of generational businesses. I stop in every payday and get as much as I can afford and then when harvest come in i get more. Some is buried, some is hidden in the house, some is in the safe deposit box, some is in a floor safe in the house and some of it resides at my folks place.


Well-Known Member
pretty sure if you take .999 pure bouillon to a bank they buy it.. could be mistaken tho, i know there was some sort or law about that back in the day

Some banks will buy gold. in 1933 FDR made the possession of Gold Illegal and had Government agents seize the citizens private gold. If you were found to carry gold it was 10 years in prison or a 10,000 dollar fine. Agents came to banks and forced open peoples safe deposit boxes and took the gold and paid everyone $20 for each ounce. Once they had all the gold they could find ( They never found the buried gold) they revalued it at $35 and stole even more money from frugal saver citizens.

US citizens were banned from owning gold and could only use Silver. Now someone from Canada or other countries could own all the gold they wanted and live in the US, even bring US dollars to the reserve and get gold in exchange, but it was very much illegal for our own citizens to do that. In 1971 Richard Nixon closed the Gold Window and opened the inflation window so that we could fight the vietnam war and just print all the money we needed to do that. in 1975 the US decided to lift the Gold ban hoping to provide some economic stimulus from investors. Instead the double digit inflation caused gold to increase by 2000% in a mere decade. Huge vast profits were made by anyone wise enough to have bought at $35/ounce and sold at $850. When Reagan era and Vodoo economics came around the markets were deregulated and massive short positions by large banks were not being regulated (And still aren't). There are rules and one of those rules is that no single entity may control more than 5% of a commodity, that ensures they cannot influence prices with large positions. Well those 2 big short positions control 95% of the market, but no one in the government does anything to stop this blatant fraud. You can only hold this position for so long, as the silver stockpiles are at last used up there will be a frenzy of activity and those large banks will have to eat those short positions.

Just so any laymen know, a short position is like the opposit of buying a stock, when you short something you are betting on the price of it going down. If you are long on something that means you think the price will go up. Just so you know the 401K is expressly designed by the government to only let you play the "Long" market. Gives them plenty of time to let a bubble grow, then design systemic economic collapses so they can usurp more power and the moneyers can get more assets at rock bottom prices. Your assets.

during the economic collapse of 1879, people took to the streets of New York and pulled Bankers out of their offices and hung them from the street lamps.

in 1125 AD King William ordered all the Bankers in England to show up for a mandatory meeting the day before Christmas. Over the next 12 days they all had their right hands and testicles removed as punishment for the economic fraud and malfeasance they brought down on the country. True story.


Well-Known Member
$17,860 worth of money fits in a roll of 20 regular old gold coins the size of a roll of quarters. Easy way to go. Want better space? Try Platinum for $24,660 per 20 coin roll. You can fit em in your pocket and even fly with them.


Well-Known Member
Some banks will buy gold. in 1933 FDR made the possession of Gold Illegal and had Government agents seize the citizens private gold. If you were found to carry gold it was 10 years in prison or a 10,000 dollar fine. Agents came to banks and forced open peoples safe deposit boxes and took the gold and paid everyone $20 for each ounce. Once they had all the gold they could find ( They never found the buried gold) they revalued it at $35 and stole even more money from frugal saver citizens.

US citizens were banned from owning gold and could only use Silver. Now someone from Canada or other countries could own all the gold they wanted and live in the US, even bring US dollars to the reserve and get gold in exchange, but it was very much illegal for our own citizens to do that. In 1971 Richard Nixon closed the Gold Window and opened the inflation window so that we could fight the vietnam war and just print all the money we needed to do that. in 1975 the US decided to lift the Gold ban hoping to provide some economic stimulus from investors. Instead the double digit inflation caused gold to increase by 2000% in a mere decade. Huge vast profits were made by anyone wise enough to have bought at $35/ounce and sold at $850. When Reagan era and Vodoo economics came around the markets were deregulated and massive short positions by large banks were not being regulated (And still aren't). There are rules and one of those rules is that no single entity may control more than 5% of a commodity, that ensures they cannot influence prices with large positions. Well those 2 big short positions control 95% of the market, but no one in the government does anything to stop this blatant fraud. You can only hold this position for so long, as the silver stockpiles are at last used up there will be a frenzy of activity and those large banks will have to eat those short positions.

Just so any laymen know, a short position is like the opposit of buying a stock, when you short something you are betting on the price of it going down. If you are long on something that means you think the price will go up. Just so you know the 401K is expressly designed by the government to only let you play the "Long" market. Gives them plenty of time to let a bubble grow, then design systemic economic collapses so they can usurp more power and the moneyers can get more assets at rock bottom prices. Your assets.

during the economic collapse of 1879, people took to the streets of New York and pulled Bankers out of their offices and hung them from the street lamps.

in 1125 AD King William ordered all the Bankers in England to show up for a mandatory meeting the day before Christmas. Over the next 12 days they all had their right hands and testicles removed as punishment for the economic fraud and malfeasance they brought down on the country. True story.
Even more technical:


Well-Known Member
during the economic collapse of 1879, people took to the streets of New York and pulled Bankers out of their offices and hung them from the street lamps.

in 1125 AD King William ordered all the Bankers in England to show up for a mandatory meeting the day before Christmas. Over the next 12 days they all had their right hands and testicles removed as punishment for the economic fraud and malfeasance they brought down on the country. True story.
this is what we should be doing


Well-Known Member
this is what we should be doing
This is exactly what I was thinking when reading the article.

Why the Fuck is the government giving the people MORE MONEY and even calling it a "bailout"....No one is taking responsibility so the problems arent getting solved. No one wants to point fingers, but when someone Fucks up you need to single them out and fire their ass if they are in a position of power.



Well-Known Member
dude, the people arent getting any of the money, the people are PAYING for the bailouts with money we wont make for generations.

heres food for thought,

the bailouts and stimulus package, have obligations and up front costs that cost
12.4 TRILLION dollars.

that is more than what our national debt currently is

that is enough money to pay off EVERY single mortgage in the country
it would also pay off every credit card held in the united states
it would also pay for everyone in the countrys health care for 2 generations
and put a good dent in the national debt.

and who is getting bailed out?

also, to give you an idea of how much a trillion dollars is..

if you took one trillion dollars, in one dollar bills, and laid them end to end, you would be able to make a line of bills to the moon and back over 200 times

if a jet flew at super sonic speeds, it would take 14 years to travel that distance..

that is a fuck ton of money

Higher Education

Well-Known Member
If you sell weed and don't buy tax stamps in my state you will also get charged with tax evasion. If you buy the tax stamps though, you incriminate yourself for selling weed. Its pretty fcuked up.

Charlie Green

Well-Known Member
It's always best to wash your cash inside the private firm. If you are in internet business you can sell the air. use your brains guys. You can make all that money looking like you work really hard legally.


Well-Known Member
can we measure internet penis's after we measure internet bank accounts?

remember the proper "net" conversion is 3 to 1(your 3" pecker is now 9"!)