Well-Known Member
I'm going to be harvesting soon and I will have some grade A sativa hybrid, probably the best in my area. So I'm going to try to make some money on the side by selling some of my product. How much is normal to charge for my product under these circumstances?
this is easy
what is the going charge .........test your thc and get a count
what shelf lvl is it .......21% and higher has always been top shelf
in the store look and see what a gram of something that is like yours ..
medical and wreck prices ......then go for in between
in the back room sales u should make less then wreck but more then medical
the price they are going to pay u is based on the lvl of the THC
it comes out 15 and under u are looking at 3rd shelf lvl prices if they are going for a large amount 2 lbs or more
if it comes out 16-20 u can except 2nd shelf
21 and higher u will get top shelf prices
if the stuff is below 15% thc ........take it turn it into oil and sell that u will get a top shelf price for what oil u made ....done right
it sounds like u never done this
1 u are taken a risk by doing this if u are caught this is some major time .......even if the state slaps yah the federal could nail yah if u get into high enough amounts
2 haggling is going to be part of it ......they might call your stuff shit to drop the price on yah u have to be willing to walk away ....u bust out the test results give them a sample to hit and inspect (keep the batch bags sealed 3rd party weighted no one is shorting anyone) .....set a minimal in your mind start little high see if will jump on if not then let them knock u down to that price agree and everyone is happy
3make it understood that this is a all cash at the time of pick up deal .....no spot no checks no bullshit cash in hand or no deal
4 it is best to set something up were u are meeting the person away from your area .......something u know well if anything goes wrong u can be gone in secs
5 as a lic grow u are on the list u need to check out the person u are dealing with before u make any exchange ........they will do spot checks looking for just this integrity checks
6 ideally u want a cut out man ......someone that does the side deals for u so your never seen touching weed and cash .......this person will want to make some profit for doing the hassle of this (i use to do this as teen for living) .....u need to figure this into the price of what u are selling ......they make the deal they do the exchange u get your cut in a day or 2
6a the cut out man needs to be someone u trust ......and u will need a agreement with them about what happens if it all goes side ways
1 bail is paid for if they set it ....bonding out i had a 20k agreement set with the guy
2 lawyers helps cover half the cost
3 does time .......person going in keeps mouth shut person that stayed out keeps money on the books until released