how much tempreture rise if a add 600w cool tube?


Active Member
Hi, im currently running a 400w hps cooltube in my grow room and my temps are about 82F with lights on i was wondering if anybody know what type of temperature rise i would get if i added a 600w aswell as the 400w and ran it on the same extraction? im growing under the stairs in cupboard so thiers not allot of room either (about a meter wide, 2 meters high at the tallest point and about 2 meters long).

my extraction goes carbon filter-fan-ducting-light-ducting-silencer-out of grow room.

thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
sometimes the ambient temperature within the ducting can still raise a small setup like that even with a bulb within a ducted cool tube.

I think the bulb will make your room about 86-91 degrees Fahrenheit. I have had plants in hydroton and coco not really loving this sort of heat at all. But soil plants which thrived in it.


Active Member
a 400w and 600w in that small of a space might be over kill, im in about the same space with just a 600w and cooltube and my temps go up around 10-12 degrees..Its gonna run almost 2x hotter than ur 400w...But put a portable a/c by the door or something and u might be alright..But id guess it will be well over 90..


Well-Known Member
Why is there a carbon filter on the light. Take it off and put it in the room ventillation. Do that and i dont think there will be any diff in temps.


Active Member
I don't have 2 fans or allot of room. Also smell is a issue I need to keep under controll and scrubbing the air (as I only have 1 output vent) I don't believe would make 8-10 plants non smelly. Don't really want to fork out for a ac unit either. Thanks for the input tho any other ideas??

Thanks again