How Much To Sell For?


Well-Known Member
I am new to the business of selling and i am wondering the prices of what stuff goes for..any info will be good


Well-Known Member
Naw boys im juss from newfoundland and up here prices are different im juss wondering what do amounts go in other places and for I to make good money off it.
Let's see. Last time I grew medicine, I made the price - FREE. I hate drug dealers.

If you have extra medicine after your grow, find some people in need and help them. I'm sure there are plenty.

jake blues

Active Member
what he said^^^^^^^
why would you sell any?gift it to someone in need,the personal feeling of doing good towards your fellow man by far out weights any cash you could you could make for yourself.


Active Member
oink oink bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm Going To have to agree with that comment, if you say your selling, you should atleast have some expearence dealing with the conclusion is that your riding on daddies money trying to look cool, or possibly reak of bacon and similar pork products


New Member
I don't have a clue what pot sells for. I don't smoke, grow or sell pot. I'm on this site to learn how to grow better indoor Bonzi trees.



New Member
I inquired of a friend. Here's what he said:

1/8 = $60.00

1/4 = $120.00

1 ounce = $400.00

1 Pound = $3000.00 to $4000.000 depending upon the market and strain.

All of those prices are US$ for "Pot Snob" quality buds. No schwag.



Active Member
I've never even heard of people selling such a medicinal asset to society as this 'stuff'. I go to the local pharmacy and it is given to me in great amounts-for free. Maybe you should put an ad in your local paper. I think you will have better luck there, smokey.


Well-Known Member
Who decides to be a drug dealer and then asks people what he should charge? You need a good ole fashioned community college microeconomics course. While I don't think it should be free (crazy hippies...), this site has nothing to do with drug dealing so fu^k off, with your string-green stripe patterns and sofa units. I say never be complete, I say, never be content, I say evolve, and let the chips fall where they may... But that's just me, and I could be wrong... God I love that movie. [/thread rerail]

tony maglone

Well-Known Member
dont sell any at all your just gonna bring attention to yourself and the most unlikely people are grasses!!!! the money you save not having to buy any.... you will save loads...

Down there for dancin, up there for thinking.....


Active Member
I'm with Lothar and others on drug dealers. This plant was nature given to use for clothes and medicine. It would grow free if it were not for politics. To sell it is a crime against nature and humanity..imho.


Active Member
weed doesnt make good money if your looking to make money and your not afraid of doing a little time in jail cocaine is the way to go