How Much To Sell For?


Well-Known Member
hahah your funny man u ask online what prices for illegal things are in the street not smart


Well-Known Member
YEah man im not against selling at fact i think you should if you can....but it sounds like you cant man. to many people get a bag and try to sell and get popped in the face and there shit stolen from a group of people. or ask to little and flash it around and shit like that.
what you need to do is sell large amounts cheaper than others can or would even think about but with you stil making a profit.this will make it so you sell to one person and make sure you can trust that one person.if you dont have one of them people seriously dont sell. just dont grow any extra man or jsut hold on to it nad not grow till you need more.
and why the hell would anyone try to tell this guy to sell coke and meth when hes asking about weed thats trying to get shot or rolled man.
and everyone.youve all bought a bag in your days and when you were young you jsut didnt wake up and say lets grow some weed so i can smoke this mystery plant so lay off ya know.i mean yeah dealing drugs is stupid but letting shit go cheap and oyu still make a buck or 2 is jsut common sense.all i know is if it wasnt for that first bag you bought you wouldnt even be on this damn site looking at this thread man!


Active Member
how is this still going,
i forgot to mention, the money is in vegas on the strip
i got some when i was there from the mexicans with the porn cards, 60 bucks for 2 grams, and it was shitty mexican dope with styx and seed, probly came over in an ass... seriously and the day i left i was approched by a guy trying to sell me some bud for 60 a gram, but it was only a 1/2 gram bag but it looked like some premo shit.. i got in a fight with him about the price evin though i wasnt going to buy it ...
so take you stuff to vegas you could be rich with a zip full


Well-Known Member
how is this still going,
i forgot to mention, the money is in vegas on the strip
i got some when i was there from the mexicans with the porn cards, 60 bucks for 2 grams, and it was shitty mexican dope with styx and seed, probly came over in an ass... seriously and the day i left i was approched by a guy trying to sell me some bud for 60 a gram, but it was only a 1/2 gram bag but it looked like some premo shit.. i got in a fight with him about the price evin though i wasnt going to buy it ...
so take you stuff to vegas you could be rich with a zip full
that is fuckin outragous it take pride in wha i do and would not rip off nor would i sell shit, and 4 60 a gram 4 bullshit, i'd have 2 "confiscate" ur shit 4 pulling something like that


Active Member
not to be offensive but this is just stupid BUY a high times look at the darn index it will tell you what kind bud is going for on average and in your area per ounce if you see a ounce you like and have the money to buy it invest get ah freaking scale cut it up into quarters that would be 7 grams or eights thats 3.5 grams add 10-25% above cost 10% when you are selling a whole onion 15 on a half 20 on a qtr and the money is in the eights at 25% if its real good seedless ripe yype satisfiying the chronic smoker who will buy it by tho O you could prolly then be confident enough to sell it to the broke fiens by the gram.
warning prepare to hear "that one shit wasent all that great" and " "hey you got a eighter of that good shit" you gave so and so from the guy who you fronted so he bought off his buddy and will pay now for some more but waiting to squre up on the other . You can charge a fair markup but you better have a solid source of supply which wil be the most frusterating thing for you this is always when someone has money for some real goody but your guy is out and you get to play phone tag waiting games.. this is why i choose not to involve myself with dealing


Well-Known Member
wow its been a year if this guy didn't sell that by now idk im sure a year later its not worth anything.............



Well-Known Member
I'm Going To have to agree with that comment, if you say your selling, you should atleast have some expearence dealing with the conclusion is that your riding on daddies money trying to look cool, or possibly reak of bacon and similar pork products
"and similar pork products" I HOWLED..
I spit out my pop and everything , + 1 rep for you !


Well-Known Member
give it to the po0r.,.,.,.u do sound like a pole-ice man of sum sort dont like ure termanology.,.,lol.,.,.,.thats like walkin up askin i "can i score sum pot".,.,lol