Well-Known Member
Placement is critical
Can you simply add a couple of UVB Bulbs to sockets, bulbs like this to a grow room with 12 plants?
Does the lights spread pretty well or is placement critical?
@jimihendrix1 I'm pondering getting 4 of the 4’ solacure lights and fixtures, my only gripe is I like to grow big plants and sometimes I may not have the 24” of headspace to give the lights. I take it it’s pretty crucial to have the distance needed for these to not cook my leaves?
No just give them less duration of time. The closer they are, the less time you will need to run them. Main thing is to try and find the point where the UVA/B is ALMOST damaging the plants, and cut it back until you see they are no longer being stressed.
Email the guy at Solacure. He is extremely helpful, and can answer most any question.
Still the UVR8 Protein is NOT activated unless its 280nm. As I said. UVA is also important, as everything evolved with UVA, and UVB. Obviously you overlooked, dont care about me stating UVA is also important.
Bottom line is UVR8 is NOT activated if not exposed to 280nm/285nm-305nm.
![]() Crystal structure of UVB-resistance protein UVR8.[1] | ||
Organism | Arabidopsis thaliana | |
Symbol | UVR8 | |
Entrez | 836506 | |
PDB | 4DNW More structures | |
RefSeq (mRNA) | NM_125781 | |
RefSeq (Prot) | NP_201191 | |
UniProt | Q9XHD7 | |
Chromosome | 5: 25.55 - 25.56 Mb | |
i just had to respond to jimi hendix 1 comments, as i was looking up some info on how much UVB some indoor plants should have, you seem like a very studied and learned individual. aside from the fact that you love yourself very much, and attribute everything you say to science and evolution, and to imply that "early earth" had an incomplete ozone layer and life originated some 3 billion years ago is speculative BS. Your probably buddies with Steven hawking who made his fortune in theoretical physics after he listened to music from Wagner and decided there was no creator, not to mention he had to keep the grant money coming in by satisfying his sponsers with more theory. you rant about evolution as if it were fact, None of you were there, you don't know, but in fact there is an eyewitness account with a genealogical record that names every family member of the first human life, and he wasnt related to an ape. if you took about 3 minutes to research the creation account at Genesis Chapter 1 you will see everything was prepared in order to sustain life. It was planned and thought out , and carried out with precise timing, even plant life was created according to its kind, that bears seed according to is kind. I am not saying they can't be modified, of course they can, humans can modify most things that exist, and do, sometimes to their own destruction. look at the planet now.What were your results??
I also must correct myself. I always want to correct myself when Im either wrong, or mispoke.
UVR8 receptor is most strongly activated at 280nm-290nm, with 285nm having the strongest response. it is still activated at 295nm-315nm, though it is not as efficient. I believe the sun is strongest att 295nm-315nm. The Solacure is made to give the plant the strongest possible response at 280nm-300nm, annd is more efficient at creating the UVR8 response than the sun, which also increases the life of the bulb, and decreasing the amount of time the bulb needs to be turned on. You increase the life of the bulb, and decrease use of electricity. The Solacure bulb is 4x stronger than the sun at 280nm-300nm. The SC bulb goes up to 315nm. Anything beyond 315nm will activate secondary chemical reactions. Also the Solacure goes to around 360nm-400nm. There is another response at 385nm that works in synergy with the 285nm response, to help protect the plant against the damage 285nm can do.. They work together. The Solacure bulb is strong in both UVB, and UVA. It isnt just a UVB bulb. The Solacure produces wavelengths from 280nm-400nm. So it produces both strong UVA/B, but its just made to have a very strong response from 280nm-300nm
The cutoff for the sun is 295nm. Thus why the claim by Solacure that their UVB range is 4x stronger than the sun. It also takes special, expensive glass to allow 280nm-290nm to get through.
Also I do not work for Solacure, nor do I have anything do do with Solacure.
The reason I bought the Solacure is because it is a T12, which has a higher physical mass, and has a built in reflector. Also because of the strong response at 285nm... Solacure also makes a T8, but says for optimum results, the T12 is better, but may recommend the T8 for use in a tent when height is a factor. So its not like they dont make a T8. They just say T12 is more powerful, do to the larger physical mass of the bulb.
Ive read some people say the UVR8 protein can be activated with UVA, but all the studies Ive seen never mention UVA as a way to activate the UVR8 receptor. Only that it increases secondary metabolism, and that 385nm works in synergy with 285nm response. If they are out there, Id love to see them. Ive looked.... It also must be noted the sun doesnt produce any wavelengths from 280nm-290nm. The UVR8 response is strongest at 285nm, which the Solacure is made to be at its strongest, thus not having to run the bulb as long thus increasing the life of the bulb, and saving eletricity. This makes it more efficient. Its possible long ago, there was more UVB reaching the earth, and is why the UVR8 response is strongest at 285nm
If one runs the bulb 4 hours a day, the bulb will last 250 days.
Bulbs using 280nm-290nm have long been used to determine the durability of paint, and other things for quality control tests on how UVB accelerates aging
Also known as FS-40 or F40 UVB, this is the original QUV tester lamp. FS-40 lamps have been used for many years, and are still specified in many automotive test methods, particularly for coatings.
The Philips version of this bulb is rated for 3000 hours, and is 40w. So its even more powerful than the Solacure, and has 3x the rated life expectancy. 3000 hours vs 1000. But it may not go up as high into the UVA spectrum. Remember the UVR8 response is most efficient when 285nm is coupled with 385nm. I also believe all spectrums are needed. Not just UVA/B
The best lamp I know of that best reproduces the UVA?B spectrum of the sun, is the Philips UVA 340.
UVA-340. The UVA-340 provides the best possible simulation of sunlight in the critical short wavelength region from 365 nm down to the solar cutoff of 295 nm. Its peak emission is at 340 nm. UVA-340 lamps are especially useful for comparison tests of different formulations. The UVA-340+ lamps provide the same spectrum, but can be used for testing at higher output levels.
The University of Maryland also did a study on the UVR8 response long ago, and used a Westinghouse 40w FS40 bulb, that is also strong below 295nm range. The Westinghouse bulb is also T12
Westinghouse was the first company to manufacture fluorescent lamps having a phosphor to convert the UV-C to UV-B and UV-A instead of the usual visible light. So Solacure had to use Westinghouse technology in ther bulbs.
Philips now makes this bulb. It was also used for a tanning bulb.
Also UVB being dangerous, especially to your eyes, not having to run it all the time allows you to be able to work with your plants, without risking eye damage, or skin cancer. UVA is also damaging to your eyes, just not in the same ballpark as UVB. Also LED, and HID are damaging to ones eyes, and one should use eye protection, even if you dont use UVA/B. Glare is the number one cause of cataracts.
Also sounds like to me that plants on early earth had to deal with extreme UVB/UVC conditions, and evolved in a high UVB atmosphere, thus possibly why the UVR8 receptor response is strongest aat 285nm.
Origin of the Ozone Layer and Evolution of Life
Early Earth atmospheres (> 3 billion years ago) did not contain the 21% oxygen content that we have today. When life on Earth originated (~ 3.5 billion years ago) the first prokaryotic cells were anaerobic chemoautotrophs, most likely occupying deep ocean and subterranean habitats. With no oxygen in the atmosphere and no ozone layer, incident UVC and UVB levels would have been extreme, forcing life to remain in dim and unlighted habitats. It was the evolution of photosynthesis that added free oxygen to the atmosphere and resulted in the formation of the ozone layer. The subsequent removal of UVC and reduction of UVB from incident sunlight very likely contributed to life moving from the oceans into illuminated terrestrial environments.
Cannabis Inflorescence Yield and Cannabinoid Concentration Are Not Improved with Long-Term Exposure to Short-Wavelength Ultraviolet-B Radiation
(PDF) Cannabis Inflorescence Yield and Cannabinoid Concentration Are Not Improved with Long-Term Exposure to Short-Wavelength Ultraviolet-B Radiation
PDF | It is commonly believed that exposing Cannabis sativa (cannabis) plants to ultraviolet (UV) radiation can enhance Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC)... | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGatewww.researchgate.net