How much UVB to give.

What were your results??
There is no god, no devil, and I believe in evolution. I also dont believe the earth is only around 6000 years old either. You probably do if you believe in the strict interpretation of the bible.

Also which bible do you believe?? Catholic? King James?? The King James version was change to cocur with the teaching of the Church of England. So they changed the Original Latin Vulgate, which was the first book printed on the Gutenberg Printing Press.

DNA, and fossil Records all but prove evolution is real.
Sorry, i didn't want to make this a contest. And i got off of the point of how much and how long to apply UVB in the range of 311nm.
To answer your question though, all translations in Gen. 1vs2 Say the earth was void and waste, and covered with water and there was no light.. No Bible i have seen has ever taught the earth was 6000 years old. That is a teaching of men. On the other hand it does not give a specific time period of how long it remained like that until it was prepared for life, so it could really have been millions or billions of years.
To make a statement of No God or Devil with such resolve, may be due to a personal conclusion based on a persons life ,past or present and not based on actual fact due to personal research or study on the subject. The current world situation shouts loudly the presence of an Evil being, 1 John 5:19 clearly states" the whole world is lying in the power of the Wicked One".

"DNA, and fossil Records all but prove evolution is real. "

“Instead of finding the gradual unfolding of life,” says evolutionary paleontologist David M. Raup, “what geologists of Darwin’s time, and geologists of the present day actually find is a highly uneven or jerky record; that is, species appear in the sequence very suddenly, show little or no change during their existence in the record, then abruptly go out of the record.” Field Museum of Natural History Bulletin, “Conflicts Between Darwin and Paleontology,” by David M. Raup, January 1979, p. 23.
Archaeology, “The Origin of Form Was Abrupt Not Gradual,” by Suzan Mazur, October 11, 2008, ( interviews/newman.html), accessed 2/23/2009.

I have to refer to our Russian friend "Has", he very meticulously researches everything that is posted here to prove to himself whether or not these things are true.
I see that alot of people have benefitted from your insight , and thank you for the response, growing plants is becoming a bigger thing in my life, i know it is to you. Have a good weekend:)
rickasaurus -
It's not clear why you need this UV. Just put a seed in the ground, pray and wait for the harvest.
Or you can not grow at all, just pray more carefully and a magical trip will be surely sent down to you from above.

jimihendrix1 -
This is all of course very helpful in understanding the topic of UV (although the mention of the big bang is clearly not enough), but in order not to scare people, please put a comma between 2 and 0.
"In two new studies, genetic researchers have shown that about 20 percent of the Neanderthal genome survives in modern humans of non-African ancestry"
Здравствуйте, я смотрел исследования, которые вы сделали, и приятно видеть кого-то, кто является искателем фактов. Я живу в очень северном регионе на границе Канады, и экстремальные температуры могут меняться на 40 или 50 градусов от дня к ночи. Думаю, в итоге мне придется иметь теплицу. Я ценю ваше замечание о том, что дары приходят свыше, и о молитве. Спасибо!
Recent research suggests that there is not a beneficial role for UV irradiation for cannabinoid synthesis.

appreciate the non-copy pasta but did you read the study linked? Same study posted earlier in the thread. apply long-term UVB .. burn shit.. lose potency.. the more UVB, the more breakdown. UVB will break down all organic matter eventually. This test does not apply to triggering a response to UV. They even mention they were measuring PAR intensity which is not what we're going for with UV.
appreciate the non-copy pasta but did you read the study linked? Same study posted earlier in the thread. apply long-term UVB .. burn shit.. lose potency.. the more UVB, the more breakdown. UVB will break down all organic matter eventually. This test does not apply to triggering a response to UV. They even mention they were measuring PAR intensity which is not what we're going for with UV.
and then they didnt have UVA to assist photo-repair, plus didnt flower out properly 2 week veg only, also not enough time in flower...
ppfd in flower was too low, half of what it should be... cannabinoid synthesis is energy-costly but the plant is kept in a light-starving state.
and then they didnt have UVA to assist photo-repair, plus didnt flower out properly 2 week veg only, also not enough time in flower...
ppfd in flower was too low, half of what it should be... cannabinoid synthesis is energy-costly but the plant is kept in a light-starving state.

I thought it sounded a little light on u/mols for flower but not sure what their objective was with the study. I think this is one of those cases where people are trying to be too smart. and yep.. I will not run UVB w/out heavy UVA. been there.
appreciate the non-copy pasta but did you read the study linked? Same study posted earlier in the thread. apply long-term UVB .. burn shit.. lose potency.. the more UVB, the more breakdown. UVB will break down all organic matter eventually. This test does not apply to triggering a response to UV. They even mention they were measuring PAR intensity which is not what we're going for with UV.
Yes I read the study. Sorry to repost the same link as previously. I have used UVC to treat PM disease in commercial crops, but this would likely fall below the peak action spectrum for uvr8 signaling. Obviously UV is not included in PAR.
and then they didnt have UVA to assist photo-repair, plus didnt flower out properly 2 week veg only, also not enough time in flower...
ppfd in flower was too low, half of what it should be... cannabinoid synthesis is energy-costly but the plant is kept in a light-starving state.
I agree, the PPFD would indicate a DLI or about 17, less than half of the low end of a good light quantity range. Under such conditions, most cultivars would express sub-optimal cannabinoid synthesis.
I'd like to know if people noticed a reduction in mold when using UVB/UVA lights?
For me that's the main reason why i want to include UV in my grow room, to prevent mold.
More THC and flavor is just a bonus for me.
I'd like to know if people noticed a reduction in mold when using UVB/UVA lights?
For me that's the main reason why i want to include UV in my grow room, to prevent mold.
More THC and flavor is just a bonus for me.

If the mold starts down in a dense bud the uv isn't going to be able to penetrate deep enough to do anything.
If the mold starts down in a dense bud the uv isn't going to be able to penetrate deep enough to do anything.
You are correct, Botrytis often starts in the middle of the flower, and UV would probably not be an effective treatment. For PM it works very well. PM conidia germinate on leaf surfaces before forming a haustoria which penetrates the plant. UV CleanLight treatments work both preventatively and curatively against PM disease in commercial cannabis crops. This is not speculation.
I use the California lightworks uvb t5 2 footer & 1 agromax pure uv 2 footer on both sides angled in & a 4 foot agromax uva+ in the middle. My buddy had the Solarcure tubes & migro 310 and I wasn't as impressed. He ran his longer - from beginning of bloom till end, where as I ran uva for 12 hours all of bloom and added uvb in last 3 weeks. I try to wait till I am in a good weight bud fullness size etc before I start uvb supplementation. I like the spectrum the agromax vs solarcure. Plus I prefer t5ho over t12 or f40. Different strokes for different folks.
I'd like to know if people noticed a reduction in mold when using UVB/UVA lights?
For me that's the main reason why i want to include UV in my grow room, to prevent mold.
More THC and flavor is just a bonus for me.
Great question!
I was wondering the same thing myself I have a 311nm light for my Psoriasis an I was wondering how long I should swipe it over any giving area to kill Mold spores with out damaging the tricomes/THC.
Long-Term exposure to UVB will break down material irregardless to what it is.

Traditional Cannabis produces anti oxidants in the form of thiols. You want photo-oxidation with traditional Cannabis, as it utilizes the Jasmonic pathway to produce thiols. Today's cannabis produces anthocyanin for photo-oxidation instead of thiols. Purple weed instead of skunky weed. Not 90s 'xylem purps', but "phloem purps". Sugars in the wrong lane, driving backwards with there blinkers on essentially.

Beer is skunked by UVB for example. Nelson Sauvin hops will produce either skunky or grape flavors depending on the fertilizer used (and enzymes present). Hops is closely related to Cannabis. At least it used to be.. Before everyone started paying for seeds. Funny isn't it..
Traditional Cannabis produces anti oxidants in the form of thiols. You want photo-oxidation with traditional Cannabis, as it utilizes the Jasmonic pathway to produce thiols. Today's cannabis produces anthocyanin for photo-oxidation instead of thiols. Purple weed instead of skunky weed. Not 90s 'xylem purps', but "phloem purps". Sugars in the wrong lane, driving backwards with there blinkers on essentially.

Beer is skunked by UVB for example. Nelson Sauvin hops will produce either skunky or grape flavors depending on the fertilizer used (and enzymes present). Hops is closely related to Cannabis. At least it used to be.. Before everyone started paying for seeds. Funny isn't it..
