How much water and how often?


Well-Known Member
As dumb as it sounds, that kinda depends on the plant. This is my second grow, and I watered my first grow too much, so the leaves were wilted. Now I water my plants every six days it seems.

Here's the general rule of thumb. When you can poke your finger into the dirt 2 to 3 inches and it feels dry, then water. Water enough so that the water drips out the bottom of the bucket. Then wait until it gets dry 2 to 3 inches in the soil again. You'll figure out from your setup what your plants like best. Hope that helps!


Active Member
I just wait until the top soil gets dry and i feel how heavy the pot is and if it feels light i water. There is a considerable difference between the dry and watered weight.


Active Member
Yeah, I agree. Wait until it's dry on top, and you need to go down a couple inches to feel moisture. Then water till it drips out. Beyond that, no water will take, obviously.


Active Member
I just wait until the soil is dry for about 36 hours then I water again. As long as you let the soil dry in between, you'll be allright.


New Member
Go to your local nursery and buy a Moisture Meter. They cost around seven dollars. They are invaluable for keeping the guess work out of your grow and will help keep your plants healthy. Only water as indicated by the Moisture Meter.
