How much water did you use?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
About how much water per plant do you estimate that you used?

I'm considering buying distilled water (because my house has VERY hard water) and just wondering about how many I should need to stock a week.

Will sitting my water for 48 hours help with hard water? or does the hard part not evaporate?

Do softeners or Brita Filters make my water safer for the plants?
I use reverse osmosis water and add in cal/mag. You can get r/o from vending machines or stores for $.25-.30/gal, much cheaper than buying bottled. Distilled lacks any real chemistry and isn't the best or most affordable option out there. As for how much, that depends on pot size, set up, strain, growth stage, etc..

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I use reverse osmosis water and add in cal/mag. You can get r/o from vending machines or stores for $.25-.30/gal, much cheaper than buying bottled. Distilled lacks any real chemistry and isn't the best or most affordable option out there. As for how much, that depends on pot size, set up, strain, growth stage, etc..
Reverse Osmosis. When do you start adding calcium and magnesium?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I'm thinking a nice Northern Lights x big bud cross from attitude. prob gonna buy next month, just trying to learn as much as possible in the mean time.

It took me a month and a half to finally go out and reattach my gutters to house ( they were drooping a bit and I wasnt sure if i wanted to replace or repair) ... sometimes I am too paranoid.. but at least I'll do it right. or close to right lol


Well-Known Member
Get 5 gallon bottles from Walmart ($6.99 =>$16-17 elsewhere). Chain grocery stores usually have vending machines for the RO water near the entrance, may be outside. Hauling all that water is a pain, tho. Letting tap water sit for a day or two gets the fluoride out, but won't do anything for the dissolved minerals.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
K i just read about ph levels.. are the ph water kits at home depot fine? I read if i keep the water right, the soil will be nice to me.


Well-Known Member
To answer your question, my LP aeroponic system with 20 plants is using 2-1/2 gallons a day. Type of system, number of plants, temps, and humidity will affect water uptake. As they grow bigger, they will drink more. Just keep plenty on hand and replenish as necessary.