How much water when you flush???


Well-Known Member
so with the last few plant i harvested i flushed for two weeks, but im not sure im doing it right. i thought it was just the last couple weeks you fed em straight water, now i saw flush them with the amt of gallon pot it is so help me


Well-Known Member
3 times the size of the pot so if it was a 3 gallon pot you would use 9 gallons of water.


Well-Known Member
damn?! all at once??? so i have to recycle the water or what? my plant would be spillin water it i used 3 gallons everytime during the flush


Well-Known Member
Wherever you heard that its major BS. Theres no set amount for how much water you use to flush, the last thing you want to do is drown your buds, or get bud rot or root rot.

Its not how much, its how long. Feed them the same amount of water as you were when you were feeding with nutes, just use plain water, or if you want you can use a flushing solution (final faze or somthing)

How long to flush is really up to you, some people flush for 2 weeks, some people for one. I usually flush for just over a week then let them dry out a little longer then normal before cropping.

It really depends on the strain and your grow room.


Well-Known Member
ok yeah i didnt really feel comfortable by putting that much water. but yeah i fluched for two weeks and it still sparkled. maybe im gining too much nutes or just need to flush longer


Well-Known Member
what do you mean by sparkled? The runoff?

Also how did the buds turn out lasttime with the 2 week flush, did it smoke smooth with clean white ash or did you have problems with it not being flushed enough?


Well-Known Member
yeah the 2 week flush didnt turn out the best, and the water cure i did it 7 days but i know now i shoulf done it maybe 1 or 2 days


Well-Known Member
I have no clue about water cure. I dont know ANYONE who has actually done this so I dunno, IMO that would fuck your seems like a Lot more people would be doing this if it was worth it. Stick with the 2 week flush, but I Highly suggest a air drying and curing in glass jars. A nice 2 week air dry in a dark room before clipping and screen drying is what I do, the jar them for a nice cure, always get amazing results.


Well-Known Member
I was assuming he meant flushing salt build up out, not just using clean water for the last 2 weeks of the grow.