***how much weed do you smoke?***

A Day ? I have no idea... enuff...
My GF and I share....
Last weeks harvest was only 22 g...gone in 6 days...
This week I get more, 48 g....
So it was a better week...will we smoke it all, I doubt it...
Next weeks harvest looks about the same...
Then no harvest for two weeks... boo hoo...
I smoke an ounce about every 9 days. I know that seems exact and all but it's just an average sometimes more sometimes less. It all depends on how much I want to eat I guess. :peace:out!
Alright, I think this is a topic of discussion that needs to be brought up. I wanna see what some of you heavy users blow through, and what you newbs puff on. I usually go through an 8th every 2 weeks. Smoke 2 cones a day. Where you guys at ? bongsmilie

Those must be some pinters!

i go through an ounce every 2 weeks to the head.
Probably around .7-1g per day, maybe a little less. I'm going to get some chamomile soon and see what it does on its own and mixed w/ bud. You can get 4 oz for seven bucks, it's legal (kinda irrelevant though), and a lot of reports of feelings of euphoria, relaxation, and even mild marijuana high's.
Well- Draig smokes 2-3 doobers a day, afternoon til he goes to sleep- and a few puffs during the night (for his Spinal injury) Plus a piece of Hashish now and again...

Me? Well- until a year ago I didn't partake- I only grew and made medibles for Draig and our other patients... despite my own pain etc... I am a severe lightweight and just a couple tokes on My vaporizer and I'm out for the night!! LOL!
HAHA!!! This shit is terrific. Damn some of you guys smoke a ton! LOL. I try to force myself to smoke as little as possible that way I don't have that high on a tolerance. I thought I was building one, ha. Guess I got a long way to go. I also enjoy the mellow, still on earth high.
I get most of mine for free :-P so i be smoking like 4 blunts a day. YEA i'll say it i smoke alot and i love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lmao I get sparked alot weather and also get bud for free thats why i smoke alot. Why not if you can thats what i say?!!
The only bad thing about my smoking is that it makes me want to eat cookies and chocolate, which normally wouldn't be bad... but I can't stop eating them. Still 100% organic though bongsmilie
And if I don't smoke in moderation, I get unmotivated and end up needing to smoke to be in a good mood. That's when I take a break cause then it's just wasting money.
All of you guys have serious dependencey problems
Hell I have too....I'll smoke to that
I smoke just enough to get me where I want to be!