How much weed is needed to make 100 g of hash ??

Have any of you ever successfully ordered hash from overseas? From India as example. Ever since I read about the Malana Cream I want some.
Silk road is so 2013, shut down by the FBI and now gone from the dark Web altogether, been out of business for years.


The good news for drug users is there is no shutting down the getting of the things humans desire. This website for example and ICmag another.
When Canada shut down there were maybe two or three websites that came close to its membership in the pot growing Internet. 15 years later their are dozens of learn to grow websites, many with membership numbers far ahead of overgrow.
What was the Silk Road all about??
There are many websites and applications to order these things, but i have to say from experience that you're also risking your money and health for something that you really haven't tasted it yet , and not 100% sure that it's what you really want and ordered and eventually you might not be satisfied or worse figuring that you got scammed for a cheap/fake product.
In my opinion I think that it must come from a reliable source, either from a contact you know personally or a well known and trusted organisation that have a good solid & true feedback and experience.
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