How much will i Yeild? PICS


Just a rough estimate would be nice, standing nearly 4 ft tall in the second week of flowering. Vegged for 5 weeks. Super silver Haze, this is my first grow, so have no idea on what to expect.




i would GUESS like 75 grams of some fluffy ass weed


Well-Known Member
bend that fucker over or only the top bud will have any weight to it. Why did you grow it so tall?

You are stretching a lot between nodes so it will not produce large buds. It's really hard to say what you will get off of it. What do you have for a light?
Side light would help a lot (CFL's). But tie that beast down or the whole bottom 2/3rds will be for nothing. Good luck JR


bend that fucker over or only the top bud will have any weight to it. Why did you grow it so tall?

You are stretching a lot between nodes so it will not produce large buds. It's really hard to say what you will get off of it. What do you have for a light?
Side light would help a lot (CFL's). But tie that beast down or the whole bottom 2/3rds will be for nothing. Good luck JR

yeah that would help alot do some training, and lowwer your light a little you will yield much more. some cfls would be wis cause sativas have a habit of just keeping growing during flower so i could get huge. your only 14 days into flower of like a 16 week plus flowering strain


Thanks for the info, wont i be damaging the plant by forcing it to bed over? how much bending should the pant do? how much closer should i lower the lights? i got the upgrade from a 250W not exactly sure what it is, il check shortly. 16 week flowering time!! who so long? thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Man I completely missed the Strain listed. If you where not already into 12/12 I would have chopped the puppy in half and hoped for the best. Your going to need way more light. Like I said what are you running for a light (Just in case you missed the ?) JR


Well-Known Member
That's the seeds you picked to grow Sativa baby! Go slow so you don't break anything but it will not hurt it at all, Your going to have to do some trimming before it gets out of control in size. JR


Well-Known Member
no he is not too late at all to start and benifit

haha, at this point you don't have ANY choice but to bend that thing around like madness. You gotta try to spread it around, twist some of those bitches in circles, whatever it takes to get more light on the budsites. That plant looks really big because it's tall, but it doesn't actually have very many nodes so VERY few will get light the way it is currently. bend it around so you can get as many flowering sites as possible at the same height and showered with light.

If it were me...I would rever this bitch back to veg, take some big ass clones, let them root (about two weeks) and flower all the clones. It'll add 3-4 weeks to the process but instead of 1/2 - 1 oz in 12-14 weeks you could aim to get 5-6 oz's in like 17-18 weeks. Much better way to spend your time and resources here brotha. I am assuming you are using a 400w HPS btw as you stated it was the one up from 250w.