How much will i yeild? PICS!

The Snowman

Active Member
How much do you think i would yield if i started 12/12 cycle @ 5 weeks of veg with just CFLs? sorry if that doesn't make sense, i'm bongsmiliehaha

x4 23 watt 2700k CFLs
x6 27 watt 6500k CFLs
x2 65 watt 2700k CFLs
so almost 400 watts of CFLs
they would be veg'd for 5 weeks.
foxfarm grow big and tiger bloom + molasses
foxfarm ocean forrest & light warrior
all 3 gallon grow bags and smart pots

here's what they look like at one month veg.



Well-Known Member
No way to tell my friend. yeild has to do with genetics, light output, nutrients, training, height, hydro/ organics, and your ability to grow. About a million things could determine your weight. Not to mention different strains can have different type buds. Some can bea mean and thick and dry up to nothing. Or they could look halfway decent and barely loose any weight at all. Bottom line is, unless you know the strain there is no way to tell till its dried and cured. i hope this helps!
