how much will my outdoor grow yield??

Hey I was just wondering what you all think my crop will yield. i have 17, 2-3 foot plants, 15, 4-5 foot plants, and 3, 6 foot plants. there all wicked dank. most are sativa-indica hybrids, but 5 of the 4 foot plants are straight indica. any experienced outdoor growers have an idea??
i used miracle grow organic soil for all of them, and bloom booster a few times since they've been budding. i was planning on harvesting them october 1st.


Active Member
What strains are you growing, as far as yields , do you have pics.
Just upon what you wrote, if its pretty bushy, I'd say 7-9 ounces on the larger ones and hopefully 4-5 on the smaller plants.
What strains are you growing, as far as yields , do you have pics.
Just upon what you wrote, if its pretty bushy, I'd say 7-9 ounces on the larger ones and hopefully 4-5 on the smaller plants.
no pics right now. all were seeds from different types of mids, but the ones that are strong indica have all pink hairs.

but damnnn i was guessing around a pound...

id say the 2-3 footers have a half ounce each..
no pics right now. all were seeds from different types of mids, but the ones that are strong indica have all pink hairs.

but damnnn i was guessing around a pound...

id say the 2-3 footers have a half ounce each..
Dude it sounds like you are growing single cola style (one big bud).
It also sounds like yours buds are really underdeveloped.
You might want to consider a lil bit of LST to get to get light to more spot on those big ladies.
And 1-2 Tbl of unsulphured molasses per gallon should definitely help the bud girth.
Personally i use Grandma's (gold label), blackstrap/robust (green label) is best, I just use a lil bit more (2-3 Tbl per gallon).
Yea they are all mostly one single kolah. But there deff not underdeveloped. there very dense buds. and i actually cut down a couple plants last night and they had some bud rot, but other than that there sick..

BlazeD AgaiN

New Member
yeah pics or it never happened . . . .
LOL... yea where the fuck are the pics anyone can say they have 1,200 plants n say how much you'll think I'll yield... Check out my 10 Females I actually have pics of them all BAGSEED but it looks FIRE...:peace: GET SOME PICS NOOB!!!:blsmoke:


Active Member
Climate getting chilly but holding on.... SkyMan borrow a camera or something. Or I can come over and estimate for ya :weed:


Well-Known Member
Haha yea right! if i had a camera i would prove it. I deff need to get a camera. guaranteed i grow better shit than u all day ..!
oh yeah because I'm totally competing with your mad pseudo skillz.

well if this is a competition look at my outdoor 09 flower thread ;).