how much yield do you recon


Well-Known Member
i have 1 white widow plant 2 foot tall and 1 meter by 1 meter wide i am using mosta bud canna flora and budlink for nutrients in a flood and drain system flooding 3 times a day it is under 600watt lights and average temp is 85 degrees how much is your guess on dry weight? i know im not supose to ask this question but iv given you most of the variables so hopefully you can give me a round about weight. o yer that height is when i stuck it into veg its on its first day today

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
It's realy hard to say, but at least 6-7 pounds depending on how you trim.
I think he's being sarcastic, I can't see why though. What's everyones problem with people asking for approximate yeilds? You have to have an IDEA of what your going to get before you start growing. If it's your first time I would guess about 1.5 ounces if you grow it reasonably well, but if you do everything perfct and get good genetics maybe 2.5 ounces.


Active Member
I would have thought you would get a lot more than 2.5 ounces, a plant that size (probably 4-6ft when finished and a metre square) under a 600watt light. I am no expert, and am doing my first grow at the moment under a 250 watt and am hoping for 3 ounces. You should be looking for at least 4-6 ounces I would have thought. Maybe a bit more.


just some guy
probably 2-4 ounces if the 600 is HPS. the plant will be about 4 to six feet tall.

post pictures


Well-Known Member
i cant atm cause my net at home is stuffed so only have my gfs net will try member to bring camera next time i come over. i think 6-7 pounds sound a lil unrealistic i was hoping for about a pound. i have done 3 grows before and have mucked alot of them up but this time everything seems to be perfect. and i hope i get more that 2 oz that would hardly cover the costs. yer its hps and its a gir it was feminised and iv got pre flowers so know its def a girl.