how my buds look?


Active Member
been on 12/12 for about 5weeks now. can anybody give me an idea of about how much longer i should let them go before i harvest? 1st 2 pics are of one plant its about 2 1/2 feet tall and the other plant is about 4 ft tall. thanks in advance for ur comments



Well-Known Member
Buds look like there coming along just fine. Do you know the strain? Give them another 3 weeks or so id say then harvest


Well-Known Member
It looks like a decent strain. I cant really identify them just from the pictures though but they look pretty good though i must say. In about 3 weeks the crystal build up should increase and the hairs hould get longer. Keep up the good work. Your doing just fine. What kinda nutes you give them?


Active Member
i used mg with the time released nutes cause i didn't know any better, but it has seemed to work out just fine. Next time i'll prob use something better but for my first time the mg seemed lik the easiest way not to screw up. I've learned diff on here though.


Active Member
thanx twistyman gonna have to go pick up a pocket microscope...can i get one at somewhere like wally world?


Well-Known Member
looks good and healthy, maybe columbian/sativa hybrid would be my guess on strain just by looking at leave structure,just a guess though. yeah I'd say 3-4 weeks also, let it swell and watch those glands,tricomes. takes me back to a better time..nice


Well-Known Member
plant being sativa i would give it more than 3/4 weeks to ripen..the buds look great but far from ready..


Well-Known Member
As has been said just wait for the tricomes to start changing color.

What kind of light are you using? They do seem a little small for 5 weeks of flowering. You should be noticing a HUGE growth spurt soon though, if you have enough light.


Well-Known Member
As a general rule flowering is from 8 to 10 weeks, depending on strain. Get a cheap scope and you can't fail.