How noticable will these lights be?


Active Member
Ok so basically I live in a huge aparment building. Its like 16 floors with a quite a few suites. We have our hydro included in our rent, so any addition useage is not going to cost us any extra. My question is if I was to have a small grow is it going to get noticed on my energy bill? I have grown before, at home and I mainly used CFLS (it was a computer case grow, I have pics. worked out really well), but I was wondering if a smaller grow would get noticed in an apartment like this. I really only want to grow one or two plants at the most. Im going to just use straight up store bought dirt and nutes. I planned on starting my clones or seedlings (whichever is most available at the time) and doing another grow chamber setup, this time in a tall rubbermaid bin ( about 48 tall). Im open to not doing it in chamber of sorts, because I do have a large closet space in my room. So basically Im asking is there a chance this is going to get noticed on the hydro bill, and what kind of light would be best for this situation. my budget is around 100$


Active Member
For more info-

there are about 6 suites on each floor and the building is run by a coporation that owns several buildings in the immediate area , 2 of which are in the same plaza as mine. If i was using CFLs it would be a 150 watt CFL with maybe 2 or 3 smaller ones on the sides. Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
yeah dude I was in the same position, here's what you do.......
unplug everything you are not using(not alarm clocks or cable boxes or the fridge)
I had a 400watt HPS that went without question for over a yr.


Active Member
I actually have a 60 watt incandesant light running in my gecko's tank that is on for 12 hours each day. This may sound stupid but does a CFL use more or less Hydro than a MH or HPS bulb? (Assuming they are both of same wattage)


Active Member
So in other words, a 150 watt CFL and say, 2 smaller CFLS would go unnoticed? Is 175 the smallest HPS I can get? Im going to be doing this in a fairly small spot too so heat may be a bit of an issue. As long as im dilligent about turning off lights, the computer and cutting back on other useage, it shouldnt be a problem? Has anyone ever been questioned on hydro usage?


Well-Known Member
I actually have a 60 watt incandesant light running in my gecko's tank that is on for 12 hours each day. This may sound stupid but does a CFL use more or less Hydro than a MH or HPS bulb? (Assuming they are both of same wattage)
hydro = water / light = electricity

i dont think a light uses any hydro......:confused:


Well-Known Member

hydro = hydroeletricity...

water plant power...
can i use this to power my grow and do you have a blueprint on the build...:blsmoke:

sorry mrplastic, i thought you were asking if your hydro (water) bill would increase by running a cfl bulb.

p.s., my women could use a new set of (.)-(.)'s.........:mrgreen:


Active Member
Hydro one is Ontario's primary source of electricity, along with Bruce and Nanticoke GF. But sorry, Hydro tends to be more of a colloquailsim for electricity. I was talking about electricity useage. And for the record, Canada is a huge nation we have more than one power company.


Active Member
We do not however have more than one boat. And we only have just the one gun. In times of war, the Queen comes to Canada to hit the big red button to decide who gets it. Should the user of the gun fail to defeat the legeions of moose and penguins we are constantly being overrun with, then the next most elligble Canadian will take their place.
Celeine Dion is also a tactical weapon we sent over to horribly irritate people vacationing in Las Vegas.