How often, and how much water do I use?


Active Member
I know that this question can be answered in the FAQ section, and that most people do not water everyday. And, that picking them up is one way to tell when they need water. (The only reason I'm posting this because my friend (a very experienced grower) tells me to water them everyday).

My plants are about 13" tall, and are in 8" pots. Exactly how much water should I be using, and how often should I water?

I know that there is not a clear answer for this question, but I would like to get some other professional opinions.


New Member
I know that this question can be answered in the FAQ section, and that most people do not water everyday. And, that picking them up is one way to tell when they need water. (The only reason I'm posting this because my friend (a very experienced grower) tells me to water them everyday).

My plants are about 13" tall, and are in 8" pots. Exactly how much water should I be using, and how often should I water?

I know that there is not a clear answer for this question, but I would like to get some other professional opinions.
if the plants are that big then just keep doing what you are doing then pott up.if you can grow a plant to 13" then i think you should know how much water it needs by now????????.
and i only water every 3rd day.
buy a moisture meter for 20$.


New Member
every situation is different soil/pot size/plant growth lights/heat etc etc.

Water provides hydrogen for plant growth, and also carries nutrients throughout the plant in the transpiration stream. However, it is not true that the more water given a plant, the faster it will grow. Certainly, if a plant is consistently under-watered, its growth rate slows. However, lack of water does not limit photosynthesis until the soil in the pot is dry and the plant is wilting.
The amount of water, and how often to water, varies with the size of the plants and pots, soil composition, and the temperature, humidity, and circulation of the air, to name a few variables. But watering is pretty much a matter of common sense.
During germination, keep the soil surface moist. But once the seedling are established, let the top layer of soil dry out before watering again. This will eliminate any chance of stem rot. Water around the stems rather than on them. Seedlings are likely to fall over if watered roughly; use a hand sprinkler.
In general, when the soil about two inches deep feels dry, water so that the soil is evenly moist but not so much that water runs out the drainage holes and carries away the soil's nutrients. After a few trials, you will know approximately how much water the pots can hold. Marijuana cannot tolerate a soggy or saturated soil. Plants grown in constantly wet soil are slower-growing, usually less potent, and prone to attack from stem rot.
Over-watering as a common problem; it develops from consistently watering too often. When the plants are small, they transpire much less water. Seedlings in large pots need to be watered much less often than when the plants are large or are in small pots. A large pot that was saturated during germination may hold enough water for the first three weeks of growth. On the other hand, a six-foot plant in a six-inch pot may have to be watered every day. Always water enough to moisten all the soil. Don't just wet the surface layer.
Under-watering is less of a problem, since it is easily recognised. When the soil becomes too dry, the plant wilts. Plant cells are kept rigid by the pressure of their cell contents, which are mostly water. With the water gone, they collapse. First the bottom leaves droop, and the condition quickly works its way up the plant until the top lops over. If this happens, water immediately. Recovery is so fast, you can follow the movement of water up the stem as it fills and brings turgor to the leaves. A plant may survive a wilted condition of several days, but at the very least some leaves will drop.
Don't keep the pots constantly wet, and don't wait until the plant wilts. Let the soil go through a wet and dry cycle, which will aerate the soil and aid nutrient uptake. Most growers find that they need to water about once or twice a week.