How often do I feed my plants?


Active Member
It has been around 4 weeks and I fed them for the first time today. When do I do it next time and then so on. thanks :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Depends on what size of pot you have, what you are feeding them, what is already in the soil. I feed every second day when I water. I am using smaller pots this time around so now water and feed around 3 X per week, previously I was growing in bigger pots and watering 2 X per week.

The best thing to do is water and feed them, then wait until the pots are dry and feel the weight. then use that as a reference of when to water and feed. As I say, I feed every time I water....

good luck,



Well-Known Member
Best answer i can give ... is let the pot run dry so that its light to lift ... or watch your leaves to see when they start to wilt ( curl down slightly ) be careful letting them dry out to much and then hitting them with higher doeses of nutes than they are used to or you will get burn :)