How often should I change my MH and HPS Bulbs?


Well-Known Member
Hey RIU,

My question is the title, I have been running the same MH and HPS bulbs for 2 grows, and have just started the flower phase of my 3rd grow with these bulbs. I wasn't too concerned with the MH bulb, but the guy at the hydro store tells me I should replace them after 2 grows.

I just wanted to see what the community thoughts on the subject is.

I'm running a 400 watt digital Lumatek ballast, with a Hortilux Super HPS bulb.


Depends really on how long u used them during those long did u veg for each time? How long was the flowering? But my new rule of thumb is two grows for each about 3 months veg 5-6 months flower for full potential...and im sure u still have enough juice in those suckers for ac ouple more runs...maybe just not as strong imo


Well-Known Member
Well If you purchase a lux/light meter you can test the bulbs and get the full use out of them. They are expensive and a cheap ebay light meter can extend the use of the bulb but every two grows is standard. and a thought if you run digital ballast they wear the bulbs quicker. If you dim the bulb it wears faster all these things play a roll. Good luck