how often should i water my baby clones

1 on 3 off, so lets say 15 mins on, 45 mins off or 1 min on nd 3 mins off...

Speculative guess based on wilma & variants.
Oh, didnt realise it was a smart pot lol, well just feed it a cup once every 3 days, then when plant gets bigger move to 2 cups, then move to more frequent waterings. Feel the weight of the pot before and after you water them, itll get you used to feeling the weight to see how much feed the plants drank or how much feed is left in the pot if any & to see if its ready for another feed
Well the thing is the clones are already in a 10 gallon pot so do I still water it until water comes out the bottom? And a cup every 3 days? That seems like it's not even close to enough. But I May be wrong
You only feed a cup every 3 days around the roots/base of the plant, if it dries out too quick, 2 cups every 3 days e.c.t, dont run nutes right through a 10 gal pot for a clone mate, waste of nutes
Defo not overwatering, if anything, id say let it go a day more between feeds to help roots search for water, those roots love to breathe as well as eat :)..

More the roots, the more the shoots.
The vegative stage is to establish the roots for when you flick so it can soak up the nutes for the shoots...

After 2 weeks 12/12 the roots stop growing and its officially in flower
Still, its best to try let it dry out so the roots fill the pot looking for water so in summer/autumn, theres plenty of roots to soak up feed so it can produce bigger buds


Well-Known Member
My 10's can go a week sometimes between waterings when theres just clones in them. I definitely water more than a cup, but not enough to get any run off. Just check a couple inches under the soil and see if its moist. Also you can get a good feel for the pot by lifting it up a little to see how dry it is. You want it to dry out almost completely so the roots stretch out in search of water. IMO