how often to feed


Well-Known Member
Need to find out how often to feed plants when in vegitve
Mode and how often in flowering mode


Well-Known Member
Only about once a week or so usually. Start off with 1/4 strength of nutes then slowly work your way up.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
it al depends on how you are useing the word "feed"
are you talking nute and water
or just watering
are you growing in soil or are you doing hydro
are you groing inside or under the sun
hid,cfl,or led's

but the biggest factor is the type of medium being used
some soils or hdro mediums have higher moister retaining abilities then other
some soil have time released nutes

so it hard to really tell you with out knowing more on your setup and in what way are you useing the word "feed"
one person can say 1 a week while another would say 1 every 3 days or feed every other water 1/4 strenght every time you change the res ...


Well-Known Member
Ya man I do a week on a week off, so one week distilled water and the next week organic nutrients, i use fish juice, you want something with higher levels of nitrogen and potassium (the first and third number), when your flowering you'll want something with higher phosphorus (the middle number). Like 420bongrips said, start with a solution that is more diluted than instructed on the packaging and work your way up, you can go past the recommended does in time......the plants will handle it......if you are giving too much you will see the tips of the leaves start to burn, if theis happens, give em a flush and just use water for a while and then try again until you get the swing of it.........Hope this helps.


Active Member
also depends on your system. If you are using a deep water culture you may only add nutrients once a week but you will top off your water through out the week. Or maybe you always top off with nutrient mix as well. In a drip system, you are basically giving your plant a constant nutrient supply. Again, you can top off with just water and only add nutes once a week and then you are still giving your plant a constant nutrient solution. It just gets watered down as the week goes on if you only top off with water. So although I agree that the standard is feed your plants once a week you need to understand the type of growing you will be doing and how to keep your nutrient and watering schedule dialed in..


Well-Known Member
are you hydro or soil? big ?. if soil i feed every 3rd watering. and i water 3 time in a week