How often you think I should change water in a Bubble-cloner?

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
One of the cuttings isn't doing too well, which, out of 14 isn't bad.

But then I got to thinking: Wonder how often I should change the water to prevent issues. I don't use any digital measuring shit: I'm an organic/outdoor grower, not a hydro-chap.

Since I have two .. no four now, airstoners ina grid, providing constant fresh air to the water, I'll assume I don't really have to change it often at all, but the PH WOULD change I'm sure.

Rather know now, so I can just syphon the tank then refill it every XX days, as opposed to cheacking it, then wondering about it.

This 4:21 time is getting moved ahead of schedule. To right now.