How old are all you stoners? Post that age!

How old is everyone on rollitup?

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Well-Known Member
I'm 23.

My dad lived a block away from Haight-Ashbury from 66-69. Needless to say I need many more years of training before I can hang with him. I have 6 now and that isn't cuttin' it.

Respect to the ones here older than I.


Well-Known Member
Rut Ro 44

I know there are poll answers older than me but no one older has posted yet so I guess I'm the oldest to post so far.


Well-Known Member
46 I guess I'm the oldest to post. Wow, it's amazing how fast the time goes by. I don't feel 46 at all, I feel better than I have ever felt.


Well-Known Member
18. Started smoking on my birthday, and I definitely believe smoking should be a right of every adult to choose.


Well-Known Member
18..but why is it 18 and younger or 18-21? Shouldn't it be younger than 18?

ha, sorry, not trying to be a jackass just punctual on small mistakes..