So, Finally went ahead and moved the ladies to their new home. put them in bags and packed it all up and in five minutes they were at their new place. Unfortunately the closet they are now in wasn';t big enough for the tent but somehow they seem to have more room and the light isn't as close to them anymore
. the girl on the right is purple auto and hopefully with more light now she will grow bigger. she was overshadowed by the pineapple. When the calyxes are swolled i shall harvest and when i start flush i'll germinate two seeds and begin my next grow of incredible bulk and and cream of the crop cash crop
Question though, how long do you think they have now?? When should i use overdrive? i know after i use that for two weeks i flush and i harvest and dry. Thank you all for your kind words. im just wondering what stage im at. i know the purple def has alot left to go.