How Old Is Your Fan


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody,

I was doing some maintenance on the set up and it dawned on me that my inline fan, which performs two functions, carbon filter and cooling my hood, is super old, but seems to be running like it did the first day I got it.

In fact, I bought it about 8 years ago and it's been running continuously for the last 5 years, non stop. Btw, it's a Growbright, 170 cfm, 4" flanges.

Does anybody else have experience with long term use of equipment like this?
Well that's all great to hear, it puts me at ease. I suppose the first thing to go bad on them would be the bearings, which you would hear.
I bought 2 of those wall fans , and one just quit working without any noise. And the other one is still going.
I just got a new fan as the old one ( only 2 years ) just started making the death rattle , new one is 10x less power consuming and 3x quieter with a speed control in built .... and cheaper than my old one also shifts 298 lt instead of 185 .1D00EA49-B4E9-424A-A18B-917D31853E74.jpeg
Pic is of new one goes carbon/ centrafugal fan silencer / ducting , room is a bit mish mash as havent had time to hang electrical plugs , and cords / lights exactly as i want em but this round bout 5 weeks away so will tidy up then 3C09121A-0582-4FB6-9B11-6A449B4004B8.jpeg
I just got a new fan as the old one ( only 2 years ) just started making the death rattle , new one is 10x less power consuming and 3x quieter with a speed control in built .... and cheaper than my old one also shifts 298 lt instead of 185 .View attachment 4272041
Pic is of new one goes carbon/ centrafugal fan silencer / ducting , room is a bit mish mash as havent had time to hang electrical plugs , and cords / lights exactly as i want em but this round bout 5 weeks away so will tidy up then View attachment 4272045

Thanks for letting us know...two years? That's not very long.
Just a update , I finally looked at the make of my fans, and there air kings. They sure don't make them like these anymore . I've been buisy working a lot of hours at my job. So when I posted last time ,I couldn't remember the name of the fans, just that I got them from Hydrofarm. Hope this helps.