How old were you when..


Well-Known Member
My Dad Died when I was 16 , I remember thinking I was such a Badass back then. and would call him out but when he would move twards me my tail would go between my legs and I would go hide behind My mom.. . I miss him So Much.. I never got the chance to really ""Hang Out"" with my Dad as an adult, I never got to share a 6 pack with him ..
He died a young man at 55 with lung cancer and a few other Smoking and drinking side effects .. I dont think I would ever raise my hands to my father ,, Not out of fear .. Out of Respect


Well-Known Member
My dad died before I could kick his ass. Not that I would've tried... especially while living under his roof. I'd run away before assaulting a man in his own house.

Anyway, the closest we came to fighting was when he put his hands around my throat once when I was 13 and said, "I want to freakin' strangle you." He was a pretty damn good dad though, don't get me wrong. He was just freakin' pissed off. He probably had pretty good reason since I had just been suspended for smoking pot in the bathroom at school like a fucking idiot, and then I came home and told him he'd have to wait to ground me since I was running away that weekend to see the Dead in Miami.

The only family member's ass I kicked was my older borther's. My father eventually got sick with cancer and my older brother took advantage of the opportunity to start cussing and rampaging at my mom and my sick, weak, dying dad over anything from what time to eat dinner to what channel the TV should be on. I finally stood up to him, he threw a punch, and I knocked him fucking silly and threw him through a wall. He was bigger then me too, but I was mad as hell. After that, things were pretty calm around the house, but I still had to pay for the wall.

Did you live in my house?


Well-Known Member
My Dad Died when I was 16 , I remember thinking I was such a Badass back then. and would call him out but when he would move twards me my tail would go between my legs and I would go hide behind My mom.. . I miss him So Much.. I never got the chance to really ""Hang Out"" with my Dad as an adult, I never got to share a 6 pack with him ..
He died a young man at 55 with lung cancer and a few other Smoking and drinking side effects .. I dont think I would ever raise my hands to my father ,, Not out of fear .. Out of Respect
Ah... we're not related after all. ;-) My dad was 52. He had cancer in his lungs too, but it was from spreading skin cancer... not smoking. I miss him a ton too though. I trust one day we'll re-unite and bongsmilie... that'll be freakin' great. (We did get to hang out as adults, but he didn't smoke. He drank, but never more then one light beer... still, that was enough to make him a lot cooler then a lot of other ultra-conservative baptists I've known.)


Well-Known Member
I remember i was like 12, he chased me around the house, finally caught me. picked me up by my ribs, put me against the wall, i got down ran a foot he then grabbed my hand. picked me up by my throat, threw me against the door this time. So i put my thumb right in his jugular. NEVER even attempted to do that again. What did he expect, he had me in TAE KWO DO since i was 5, nothing but self defense.


Well-Known Member
I have a weird thing with my dad. It actually gets me really depressed whenever I think about him...We don't have a relationship and I doubt we ever will, but that's really all I want. I've had urges to punch my dad more times than I can count; I've never done it, though, he puts a roof over my head, food on the table, pays for college, etc. and he's like a second degree black belt. I think it would be a good fight though and I think that I'd have a good advantage.

but I'll never hit him. it hurts to even look at him and know he doesn't like me or anything, it would suck to punch him and know that he hates me after that. you feel me?


Well-Known Member
I feel ya bro. Punch him with kindness, fight him with love... maybe someday he'll turn around. Stranger things have happened. Sounds like you're on the right track man... hang in there.

I have a weird thing with my dad. It actually gets me really depressed whenever I think about him...We don't have a relationship and I doubt we ever will, but that's really all I want. I've had urges to punch my dad more times than I can count; I've never done it, though, he puts a roof over my head, food on the table, pays for college, etc. and he's like a second degree black belt. I think it would be a good fight though and I think that I'd have a good advantage.

but I'll never hit him. it hurts to even look at him and know he doesn't like me or anything, it would suck to punch him and know that he hates me after that. you feel me?


Well-Known Member
This thread is funny. I've actually had to get in my father's face (decades ago) in defense of my mother. A father/son relationship is special. That being said, I'm a 48 year old father of a 23 year old son...And I can still whoop his ass handily. The thing is, we've had scraps when he was in his teens and I even had to "punk" his ass a couple of times, but we love each other dearly. I tell him I love him every time I speak with him.

My son and Granddaughter...


Well-Known Member
I feel ya bro. Punch him with kindness, fight him with love... maybe someday he'll turn around. Stranger things have happened. Sounds like you're on the right track man... hang in there.
I hope so, thank you.

and you should be proud vtxdave, you sound like a good father and your son looks happy.


Well-Known Member
And that baby is just SOOOO cute!

lol, seriously. And I'm a person who firmly believes that not ALL babies are cute. Sorry, but there are some ugly babies out there, it's a fact.

But your granddaughter is very cute, with that big smile and those chubby little cheeks :grin:


Well-Known Member
My dad might could kick my ass now still. I've been curious. I think it may be a draw. Or I win. One of those two. :D